Sunday, May 31, 2009

Space Marine Cost Effective Force (designed for people starting Space Marines)

Before anything is bought, to all new collectors please remember when you buy your boxes of models: DO NOT THROW ANYTHING AWAY. While this may seem obvious, I mean once you have finished putting together your models, keep everything that is left over. Boltguns, heads, purity seals, plasma guns, arms, legs whatever. Never throw this stuff away, it may be years before you use these pieces again, but trust me, for the small amount of space this stuff will take up, it will prove invaluable.

First of all, a player will need a Space Marine codex ($30).

From reading this they can decide if the following list suits his taste, or they wish then it is able to be altered.

It is always great to have a friend to collect and play this fantastic hobby with. Therefore if possible, start up with a friend so that you both inspire each other to continue painting, gaming and generally remain enthusiastic about the hobby. Also this allows you both to split the Assault on Black Reach box, meaning you will only have to pay $30 for the Space Marines inside. Even if you can't find someone to start the hobby with, when you go into Games Workshop, see if the staff know anyone who would be interested in purchasing the other half of the models, if not you are paying $60 for the set to get the orks which you can put up on eBay for $10 each unit choice and make the money back. Keep the rule book and templates...

From this point onwards I'm going to presume that the Assault on Black Reach box has been purchased, and that you sold the Orks to someone (if you can get more great, but I find its always best on these things to presume the lowest amount).

So far we have:
1 Space Marine Codex
1 Space Marine Captain, Dreadnought with multi melta, 5 Terminators, 10 Tactical Marines with Sergeant, flamer and missile launcher.

Next up your best purchase both from an army point of view (needing essential like 2 troops etc) and monetary point of view is the Space Marine Battle Force for only $90. This sets contents, if bought separately, come to $130, already making you a massive saving.

Now we have:
1 Space Marine Codex
1 Space Marine Captain
1 Dreadnought with multi melta
5 Terminators
25 Tactical Marines - 2 - 10 man Squads/ 1 - 5 man Squad
5 Scout Marines - 1 Squad
5 Assault Marines - 1 Squad
1 Rhino

At this stage it may be wise to look at what we can make so far out of the army:

Captain, with boltgun, relic blade, artificer armour, frag grenades, krak grenades, and an Iron Halo = 145 points

Terminator Squad, with storm bolters and power fists, Sergeant with storm bolter and power weapon = 200 points

Dreadnought, with multi melta, dreadnought close combat weapon with built in storm bolter, extra armour, smoke launchers and a search light = 120 points

Tactical Squad, with boltguns, bolt pistols, frag and krak grenades. 5 extra Marines, flamer, missile launcher, Sergeant with bolt pistol, chainsword, frag grenades, krak grenades and melta bombs = 175 points

Tactical Squad, with boltguns, bolt pistols, frag and krak grenades. 5 extra Marines, melta gun and missile launcher, Sergeant with bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and a power fist = 200 points

Rhino, with storm bolter, smoke launchers search light = 35 points

Tactical Squad, with boltguns, bolt pistols, frag and krak grenades. Sergeant with bolt pistol, chainsword, frag and krak grenades = 90 points

Scout Squad, with bolt pistols, combat blades, frag and krak grenades, heavy bolter, Sergeant with bolt pistol, power weapon, frag grenades, krak grenades, and melta bombs = 105 points

Assault Squad, with bolt pistols, chainswords, frag and krak grenades, 1 plasma pistol, Sergeant with power weapon, bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and melta bombs = 135 points

Total = 1205 points.

This list makes certain presumptions about how you glue together your models.
1) That you use the power fist from Assault Squad box with the Sergeant from the Tactical Squad box.
2) That you glue a melta gun using the Tactical Squad rather than the flamer or plasma gun.
3) That you use some the elements from the Tactical Squad box (purity seals or other fancy pieces) and a spare bolt pistol and chainsword arm from the Assault Squad to make it clear which model is the Sergeant in your Combat Squad.
4) That you glue together your Scouts with close combat weapons and one heavy bolter, rather than all boltguns or shotguns.
5) That you use the missile launcher from the Tactical Squad.
6) That you use one of the plasma pistols from the Assault Squad and give the Sergeant the power weapon.
7) You do not have to worry about modelling the melta bombs particularly, I have never played an opponent who demanded to see them on the model.

However this list could be handled a dozen different ways, giving all sort of different combinations equalling more or less points.

At this point I would say that some heavy support was needed in the army.

This gives you a broad list of choices, mostly tanks costing $40 or more (in the case of Land Raiders). However the Space Marine Devastator Squad is $35, and will provide you with valuable bits to enhance the options of your existing Tactical Squads. There are a multitude of ways you could assemble your Devastator Squad, but I would be tempted to make:

1 Lascannon
1 Plasma Cannon
1 Missile Launcher
1 Heavy Bolter

The from this, take the two missile launchers out of the Tactical Squads and replace them with the lascannon and the plasma cannon. Meaning your Devastator Squad would be made up of 3 missile launchers and a heavy bolter, costing a total of 150 points but also making the Tactical Squads cost 15 points more in total (for both the lascannon and the plasma cannon).

This gives the Devastator Squad reasonable anti-vehicle capability, whilst also having effective anti-infantry. Also your Tactical Squads will now have anti-tank capability (in the form of the lascannon) and anti-heavy infantry/light vehicles (in the form of the plasma cannon).

Alternatively you could elect for a Predator or Vindicator. I do not recommend the Whirlwind as it does not have as great a points/money ratio compared to the other two, and at the moment the army needs some high strength weaponry. Both tanks cost $40, and from a point perspective the Predator can cost between 60 and 165 points (not counting vehicle upgrades) whereas the Vindicator is a fixed 115 points.

Whilst I have my own preferences when it comes to Predators and Vindicators, for the purpose of this list I will suggest that a Predator is purchased, with a twin linked lascannon, heavy bolter sponsons and a storm bolter, totalling at 140 points.

This gives the Predator accurate anti-tank capabilities with the twin linked lascannon, whilst also formidable anti-infantry capabilities with the heavy bolters and storm bolter.

The Predator has greater firing mobility than the Devastator Squad, however a single attack can destroy the Predator, whilst the Devastator Squad must be picked off a model at a time, also the Predator costs more and does not add a great deal to your bitz box (which is a collection of spare parts from the various sets you buy, which over time can allow you to create models you would not have been capable of in the first place).

As I always find it safest to presume the reader will go with the most expensive option, lets presume the Predator is purchased. Our list now looks like this:

Captain, with boltgun, relic blade, artificer armour, frag grenades, krak grenades, and an Iron Halo = 145 points

Terminator Squad, with storm bolters and power fists, Sergeant with storm bolter and power weapon = 200 points

Dreadnought, with multi melta, dreadnought close combat weapon with built in storm bolter, extra armour, smoke launchers and a search light = 120 points

Tactical Squad, with boltguns, bolt pistols, frag and krak grenades. 5 extra Marines, flamer, missile launcher, Sergeant with bolt pistol, chainsword, frag grenades, krak grenades and melta bombs = 175 points

Tactical Squad, with boltguns, bolt pistols, frag and krak grenades. 5 extra Marines, melta gun and missile launcher, Sergeant with bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and a power fist = 200 points

Rhino, with storm bolter, smoke launchers search light = 35 points

Tactical Squad, with boltguns, bolt pistols, frag and krak grenades. Sergeant with bolt pistol, chainsword, frag and krak grenades = 90 points

Scout Squad, with bolt pistols, combat blades, frag and krak grenades, heavy bolter, Sergeant with bolt pistol, power weapon, frag grenades, krak grenades, and melta bombs = 105 points

Assault Squad, with bolt pistols, chainswords, frag and krak grenades, 1 plasma pistol, Sergeant with power weapon, bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and melta bombs = 135 points

Predator, with twin linked lascannon, heavy bolter sponsons, storm bolter, searchlight, and smoke launchers = 140 points

Total = 1345 points.

This leaves us a comfortable 155 points off of a 1,500 point army. There are dozens of different ways to make up these points, but lets look at what force organisation slots we've used so far:

1 HQ
2 Elite
4 Troops
1 Fast Attack
1 Heavy Support

At the moment we have a fairly balanced force, combining speed, fire power, and flexibility. If we add more Troops (with say another Tactical Squad or Scout Squad) then the number of objective capturing troops increases. If we add more Elites (with say a squad of Sternguard or another Dreadnought) then our offensive power increases greatly. If we add more Fast Attack (with say a Bike Squad or some Land Speeders) then our mobility increases in addition to our fire power. If we add more Heavy Support (with say a Vindicator or Devastator Squad) then our fire power increases greatly.

There are strong cases to be made for all these choices, as well as several more (such as another HQ in the form of Chaplain or Librarian, or further transports). I myself use a Chaplain in Terminator Armour with Storm Bolter and Melta Bombs for 135 points instead of a basic Captain but that is just me...

My final suggestion is a unit which I never go to battle without anymore. It has good offensive qualities, looks great on the battlefield, gives you as a modeller a chance for some experimentation, and is very cost effective. The Command Squad.

This $35 box gives you a personal retinue for your Captain, including Apothecary (granting the whole squad the Feel No Pain rule, which has saved my squads lives a number of times), a Company Champion (who will become a great aid in combats against more skilful foes), a Company Standard (which will ensure your Marines stay their ground more often) and a special weapon (either flamer, plasma gun or melta gun).

In order to fit all the parts of the set into your army (totalling the unit at 150 points for a Company Champion, Company Standard and a melta gun) you will have to get rid of some of the points in your army. I would probably recommend getting rid of the Predator's storm bolter. Don't worry if the model has it on, any half way human opponent won't mind if you choose not to take it. Alternatively you could not bother to take the melta gun in the Command Squad, making the unit cost 140 points and fit perfectly into our army list. Or you could choose not to take the Company Standard, actually giving you 5 spare points which you could use to buy the Captain melta bombs with. And so on, and so forth.

The list of options numbers in the hundreds, all of them having their pros and cons, good points and bad points. That is the purpose of the on-line forums and the helpful staff at Games Workshop, or the sheer experience of playing a game! They allow you to get an idea of what sort of force you want. Regardless of what the best tactician says, or the most sensible economically minded guy suggests, if you're playing with an army that you don't enjoy, then your not having fun, and at the core of the hobby that is what all Games Workshop products are about.

At the end of this massive rant our force ends up looking like this:

Captain, with boltgun, relic blade, artificer armour, frag grenades, krak grenades, and an Iron Halo = 145 points

Command Squad, with bolt pistols, chainswords, frag and krak grenades, an Apothecary, a Company Champion and a Company Standard = 140 points

Terminator Squad, with storm bolters and power fists, Sergeant with storm bolter and power weapon = 200 points

Dreadnought, with multi melta, dreadnought close combat weapon with built in storm bolter, extra armour, smoke launchers and a search light = 120 points

Tactical Squad, with boltguns, bolt pistols, frag and krak grenades. 5 extra Marines, flamer, missile launcher, Sergeant with bolt pistol, power weapon, frag grenades, krak grenades and melta bombs = 190 points

Tactical Squad, with boltguns, bolt pistols, frag and krak grenades. 5 extra Marines, melta gun and missile launcher, Sergeant with bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and a power fist = 200 points

Rhino, with storm bolter, smoke launchers search light, = 35 points

Tactical Squad, with boltguns, bolt pistols, frag and krak grenades. Sergeant with bolt pistol, chainsword, frag and krak grenades = 90 points

Scout Squad, with bolt pistols, combat blades, frag and krak grenades, heavy bolter, Sergeant with bolt pistol, power weapon, frag grenades, krak grenades, and melta bombs = 105 points

Assault Squad, with bolt pistols, chainswords, frag and krak grenades, 1 plasma pistol, Sergeant with power weapon, bolt pistol, frag grenades, krak grenades and melta bombs = 135 points

Predator, with twin linked lascannon, heavy bolter sponsons, storm bolter, searchlight, and smoke launchers = 140 points

Total = 1,500 points

At the end of these purchases our total shopping list:
Space Marine Codex = $30
Assault on Black Reach Box = $60
Space Marine Battle Force = $90
Predator = $40
Command Squad = $35

Total = $255

By no means is this a small amount of money to spend on a hobby, and there are certainly ways to get a Space Marine 1,500 point force for less, but I believe this makes a balanced army, for a reasonable price, which acts as a good force to expand upon with further purchases.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Painted Scout Models...

I am liking the paint job I did on my scouts here...going to have to use them As Soon as I can...I want to use their automatic no saves on a 4+ shots...I like that Sniper Rifle...haha

Ok then...

First 5 man Sniper Scout Squad is complete to a degree...need some black to do some touch ups and some very dark grey...which I hope to pick up this afternoon...

But here they are....

Then there is my Master Scout Sergeant I got in the mail just the other day...Thanks again Breatac over at Rouge Market...

I plan on putting a head on him with a breather grille on his face and paint up quickly...but I need my clipers to make it fit and some green stuff to make a neck...worst case...I just put the old head back on there...haha

for 140 points right there that is not to bad at all...snipers in all their hands...which means 5 shots of a 4+ automatic wound...nice I know...camo cloaks on them as well...

a lot of points there I know...but I think I should try it out and see if they are worth it...haha

Gawd...I Love Fridays

Well it is Friday again...Forth week of the blog and I completely lost track of the week...I swear just yesterday I was putting up the last weeks Gawd...I Love Firday Post...


and for that I am busy with work...and Mediation with the Ex-wife concerning custody of our daughter...

Of course there will be more Army List that I put up...Other Battle Reports... Wins...My main man Faust is still killing every Necron that he comes across...but with all my bragging I think he may have been blessed by the Emperor himself...Silly Heretics...

And yes...for those who are following what I do here I will be adding more things to the site...I still have to paint my marines up anyway...haha

And Because it is now Saturday...

I am going to leave you with this bit of a picture...

And Because I feel bad...a second pic too...

And sometime next week I will upload the Photos of my Scout Squad that has been painted up...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Warhammer 40k FOR 360...

IGN has posted a battle trailer for the upcoming game "Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine".

The game is a 3rd person action game that brings the player down to a personal level, controlling a Space Marine through a campaign. Unlike other Relic games (Dawn of War series, and so on) this game doesn't feature the Blood Ravens, but the Ultra Marines (at least that is what the trailer says). I'm not sure why the switch, but based on the awesome awesomeness of the video, I don't care. It wouldn't matter what Space Marine chapters were used. The game$*!

Now I have a X-Box 360 all I have to do it wait...

Friday, May 22, 2009

Planet Strike Models are up For Advance Orders

Games Workshop put up the Planetstrike on the Advanced Orders part of the site with nice pictures of the boxes...unlike those ones we saw on thought other sites that were taken by a cell phone...

w00t w00t

Why I hate Necrons soooo Much...

"Commander Tellos...the Necrons just ripped through our armour...the Ninth company is gone with most of the Sixth and Seventh company. What are your orders sir..."

Tellos looks at the Assault Sergeant and replies "Where is the Chapter Master at did the First and Third Company make the jump out of system...?"

"No sir, I just heard that all hands were lost with minimal loss to the Necron fleet...We have just our single Battle Barge sir, we are down to maybe a company strenght and we cannot hold the west any longer..."

Tellos looks at him and replies..."Your words were always the truest my friend...have our men fall back in good order get what armour you can salvage and get everyone back to the thunderhawks where is Chapl...." Into Tellos com link... "COMMANDER TELLOS...This is General Vargus of the PDF Forces south of your position...we are being overrun with metal monsters and all but our heaviest weapons are of no use...DAMN IT MAN FIRE EVERYTHING AT IT NOW...HOLY EMPEROR...TAKE OUT THE ONE ON THE LEF......."....static is all that is heard on the other side...

"Sergeant the PDF forces are gone...double time it now or we will be next...I have a plan to finish this and make sure our deaths were not in vain..."

The Sergeant nods and takes out of the command tent.

Tellos walks over to Epistolary Arbalan and says..."Your men may be the last of the Librarium for our chapter..." Arbalan only nods and looks over at the only member in Terminator Armour Chaplain Faust and Faust says "Faith is our strongest weapon against these monstrosities but we will need more in the coming days when we rebuild...If the reports are correct we are down to three Tech Marines, one Librarian and three Chaplains and most are in this the Emperor decrees we were luck enough to have the senior members join you Commander Tellos or the command staff of our offices would have been destroyed..."

Tellos walks over to Faust and places a hand on his shoulder pad and says "Faust know that this day is far from over these necrons will rue this day as we will finish them with an exterminatus...with our battle barge we shall fire all of our cyclonic torpedoes upon this world and the Emperors fire shall burn this planet clean of the enemy..."

Tellos takes his hand off of Faust shoulder pad and turns to his company champion Cephesus and says "Have all of our weapons and everything not bolted down in the armour put on the battle barge...EVERYTHING...have the servitors reprogrammed for the task now...Faust you and your fellow Chaplain gather everything that can be from the Sancity use however many servitors as needed and have it moved to storage bay well everything you can get up there I want there now...every relic will be saved..."

Turning to his Command Squad he says..."Men it has been a pleasure to serve with all of you but our job is not finished...we will finish this fight and take our fight to other tomb worlds...we will destroy every trace of the necron virus as we can..."

A tactical Marine runs into the command tent "Commander, I have an urgent communication from orbit...the Aurora Chapter heard our hail...they are here with the remaining Ultra Templar fleet that was on the other side of the system we have a clear path out of this sector..."

Tellos only grins under his helmet..."You heard the need to waste time here now...lets get this done..."

Faust walks out with the command squad and Arbalan in tow to begin the preparation of evacuation...

-----------A Few Hours Later--------------------------------

As the Battle Barge Death's Reaper left orbit Commander Tellos askes "Are the warheads primed..." "Yes commander" was the reply from the deck...

He looks at the planet one last much lost...50 billion souls...almost a whole chapter worth of warriors...all but five ships of the chapters lost...all because of those cursed necron warriors...

He presses the button on the control panel, over fifty rockets spearheaded towards the planet...right before they hit the atmosphere the all broke apart into 10 miniature versions...over 500 rockets his the planet perfectly...the computer reported no malfunctions...the planet turned into a second sun and the Necron fleet around the planet disappeared...

The five ships of the Ultra Templar and the three ships from the Aurora Chapter jumped into the warp away from the planet...

---------Two Weeks Later----------------------

"Commander Tellos...I am Chapter Master of the Aurora Chapter...I am truly sorry for the loss of your fellow Templar but now is not the time for you already know...There will be a representative from the High Lords who will ask you a question or rebuilding the chapter or going out on one final crusade until you are all killed off...I have a third option...join my chapter..."

Tellos looks up at the Chapter master and asks..."What are you talking about...join your are already almost filled to the 1000 mark..."

The Chapter master only grins..."You have not heard...a company was separated from us a long time ago and we thought our brothers lost...but they were recently found and will be rejoining us...there numbers were never truly told as they thought themselves cut off from the rest of us they rebuilt the chapter around the company and remade the chapter out an extra 100 men or so will not be given a second look at..."

Tellos grins getting his meaning..."A new chapter would be built from the two chapters...maybe being divided into three our gene seed is from the same might work..."

--------The Next Day-----------------------

"Commander Tellos...tell me what you are thinking...I can tell it is weighing heavily on your mind..."

Tellos looks over at Faust and Faust only grins and says "I am the Chapters Master of don't need to be a Librarian to see into your mind and see the stress you are under...I too am under a great deal of none I have seen before but with the Emperors Guidance I am handling it quite well..."

Faust grins again..."Well enough to help the others of our chapter in their time of need..." He walks over to Tellos and places his gauntlet hand on the commanders shoulder and says "we have lost many good men this past few months...we are down to only one hundred and seventeen men...good men all but that is barely a company strenght."

Tellos head drops and says "We were lucky we saved all the land raiders and tanks...Our battle barge and four strike cruisers that were on the other side of the system...and they held most of the men that survived...Faust only thirty-five men made it off the planet...THIRTY-FIVE out of one thousand..."

Faust only nods his head as he says "Many more will fall if we do not do what is needed...But know this those men that fell are with the Emperor now...And they shall be there when we fall in battle as well..."

Tellos looks up at Faust and nods as he says "My men will not have died in vain against those Necrons...I have gone through our data banks...there is a tomb world within a weeks travel time from our current location...a dormant tomb world...we could go in set a few melta bombs and blow the tomb up from the inside...and then move onto the next one..."

Faust walks over to the desk in the room and says "Or...we can join the Aurora Chapter and their men and fight along side them against all the enemies of the Imperium..."

--------Five Months Later-----------------------

Five bolter rounds rip into the upper torso of a Necron warrior as he slowly stands back up after the last rounds...exploding the torso.

Tellos looks over at the Sergeant and says "I trust the Melta Charges are set..."

The Sergeant nods and says "Yes Chapter Master Tellos..." Tellos only laughs and says..."No I am Commander Tellos only...I am not worthy of the title Chapter Master...How many men fell today..."

The Sergeant removes his helmet and grins as he says "none Tellos...all men are fine a few are cut up from a fight with squad of Wraiths but we know how to counter them now and no men were lost...The Melta Charges are going to go off in 20 minutes which gives us two extra minutes to get out of the blast radius..."

Tellos nods and says "Then the order is given all men are to report back to the staging area..."

The Sergeant nods and reattaches his helmet and gives the order. Tellos looks over at the last Necron warrior he just destroyed and walks over and rips the head off the neck...then attaches it to his belt next to the other three just like it...

The Sergeant then says "Four tomb worlds in as many months with the loss of only three men...our Chapter Master would be proud..."

Tellos nods and says "Yes he would be..." Then he turns and leaves...

Gawd...I Love Fridays

Well it is Friday again...Third week of the blog and I completely lost track of the week...I swear just yesterday I was putting up the last weeks Gawd...I Love Firday Post...

Of course there will be more Army List that I put up...Other Battle Reports... Wins...haha and FAUST IS STILL KILLING...but with all my bragging I think he may end up dead on Sunday versus who ever is against me...Silly Heretics...

And yes...for those who are following what I do here I will be adding more things to the site...I still have to paint my marines up anyway...haha

And Because it is Friday...

I am going to leave you with this bit of a picture...

Found a Good Idea...THAT I AM GOING TO STEAL...

HAHA...ok just borrow...maybe copyright it before he does but none the less I found an interseting campaign this guy is putting together up in Berks County, Pennsylvania. Unfortantly for me to play this Campaign with these people I live in another state...close but no cigar...

But that is ok...I have my own gaming club and I plan on showing them this campaign on sunday to see what they say and maybe start our own over here in NC...if not...then no worries...but hey if it catches on...He can thank me later...haha

Click here to download the Campaign

This is the Campaign that this person wrote...and I got to is pretty neat...up there with the Bell of Lost Soul Campaigns they had...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Surviors of the Ultra Templar Chapter

I had an idea the other week or so...stop with the Power Armour guys right where I am at (enough for maybe 8 full tact squads and 2 assault squads)...stop with the Terminators (at 15 or so)...stop with the tanks (I got two Land Raiders, 2 Predators, 2 Vindicators and a whirlwind...) and go with scouts...(which I only have a 3 man scout bike team...)

I mean think about it...Scout stats are as good if not better then most other armies elite choices...their weapon skill and balistic skill is as good as a guards man but their Strenght makes up for everything else...

Somewhere on my computer at home is how the Ultra Templar were all but destroyed by the Necron armies (similar to what happened with the Crimson Fist and the Orks)...the only surivors were the 5th company and a few men from the 4th company, 3 chaplains, 3 techmarines, and 2 Librarians...and those guys only were alive because of being with the 5th company on rear line defense...

My thought process is this...I usually run with a Heavy Bolter or a Missile Launcher as of late anyway...and for 10 points either way I can still have it in my squad and add the other 5 guys for 25 points cheaper...This would also give me a reason to get or make a Scout Sergeant Telion...because really at this point in the game some of the veterans would be steping down from their rolls to help train the next generation of Ultra Templar...

What I would do is for every Tactical Squad I have on the field two scout squads would be there as on each side of the tact squad to lay down cover fire and learn from those who have the battlefield experience...

A basic list would be something like this

Chaplain in Terminator Armour w/Storm Bolter and Melta Bombs = 135pts

5 Man = 200 pts

Tact Squad
10 Man - Multi-Melta, Melta, Sarge w/Power Weapon and Bolter and Melta Bombs = 190 pts
Scout Squad
10 Man - Heavy Bolter, 2 Shot guns, Sarge w/Power Weapon and Bolter and Melta bombs = 170pts
Scout Squad
10 Man - Heavy Bolter, 8 Sniper Rifles, Sarge w/CCW and Bolter = 150pts
Scout Squad
10 Man - Rocket Launcher, 2 Shotguns, Sarge w/CCW and Bolter and Melta Bombs = 155 pts

This would give me 46 men on the field for 1000 pts...the scout squads and tact can split into 5 man teams giving me 8 objecive grabing choices...and the two sniper teams can pin two squads per game allowing the other squads to sweep in with the terminators to finish everyone else off...Melta Bombs for when I run into enemy armour and I will...Plus a few extra power weapons in there just incase my scouts and tact squads run into something they should not...but the infiltrate and move through cover rules only help them out...

I guess I need to go buy some scout squads huh...


Honour Guard of the 41st Millennium

Honour Guards of the 41st Millennium

For a Space Marine to have become a member of the Chapters Honour Guard is for this Marine to have fulfilled many centuries of extraordinarily bold service. To be a member of the Chapters Honour Guard is to be a living example of what Guilliman himself intended for every Space Marine to be known as.
Most Chapters however can only field a handful of Honour Guard, enough of course to make a fighting force on the field or even a Chapter Master’s retinue, a few of the older and larger Chapters can often gather together as many as two dozen Honour Guards. That is a extraordinary and terrible day when they all fight as solitary unit.

What the Honour Guard can do.
The minimum squad number one can take with them into battle is a three man squad, two Honour Guards as well as one Chapter Champion. Each member comes already armed in Artificer Armour a Power Weapon, Frag and Krak Grenades, a Boltgun as well as a Bolt Pistol. To make it even better the Chapter Champion may replace his Boltgun with a Combat Blade.

The Chapter Champion also has the option to replace his power sword with a Thunder Hammer…which is nice…I know…as well as take the options of digital lasers. Any one of the members of the Honour Guard is allows to take a relic blade as well as an auxiliary grenade launcher…I just think Predator whenever I see that…a little servo gun on the shoulder blowing stuff up…I mean that would just be sweet I know.

On top of that the Chapter Champion may re-roll any miss to hit or any wounds he misses in the assault phase thus giving him a greater chance of defeating anyone in front of him...To make it even better if you have the Chapter Banner with the squad any squad within a 12" range is allowed to re-roll any failed Morale, Pinning test. In addition to the fact that the unit with the Chapter Banner all get an extra attack, with the addition of adding an extra wound in close combat on top of it...

You can also take up to seven more men to max out the squad at ten men and a force to be reckoned with but you will of course be paying for it. Each additional Honour guard is about the cost of two regular Tactical Marines.

And let us not forget about the Rhino, Drop Pods or even the Razorback for those smaller Honour Guard squads. Those dedicated transports are of course available to those who know how to use them…and even to those who don’t…ha-ha

If you have the 9 man squad with Captain you would want to use either a Rhino or a Drop-Pod to get them there...A Rhino will be able to move after your first turn though...worst case the rhino would become a cover save if destroyed...

If you have a 5 man Honour Guard plus the Captain get the Razorback the weapons on it make up for it on top of moving like a Rhino...

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Ultra Templar Versus the Necron Hordes Part 3

Well my brother and I were a tab bit bored and decided on a 10 versus 10 man battle...each guy would be able to move indepently from the rest of the other guys...simple as that...

He rolled for the win and set up first...

Moving the 6" foward and unable to hit me yet...I moved my 6" and rolled to run to make the game quicker we agree to roll one die for the entire armies run a 5...and moved the extra 5" forward...

He moved another 6" forward and took a few shots at the guys he could reach and no one died...I opened fire and took out two then charged with another guy and took out a third... which means 4 more destroyed and he would phase out...

He then moved another 6" forward took his shots and two men failed their armour save...then he one was killed...but on my counter attack I took out another one...

I moved the 6" forward and shot destroying nothing then assaulted...took out another one...he counter attacked and took out another marine...

I had just two more necrons to take out and make his phase out...but he attacked and killed another marine...

Somehow it ended up being 3 on 3 at this point...and he had the first move...he shot and killed a marine leave it 3-2...and then he assaulted...6 attacks on the word go...and not a single one hit...but this allowed only two hits onto him as I was not assaulting...but only counter attacking...nothing...ok my attack phase...2 more down...he just phased out...


I KILLED THEM AGAIN...This one was a lot closer though...

7 Wins - 2 Draws - 1 Loss

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Chapter Masters of the 41st Millennium

Chapter Masters of the 41st Millennium

To be one of these men is to be almost a God amongst men. His combat prowess are unmatched, for not only being a Space Marine, he has fought as every member of the chapter from the lowly Scout, to a Battle Brother, as well as a Captain. All these years of war have trained him in the tools of slaughter and honed his wits to the level of instinct.
With the simplest of glances, a Chapter Master can look upon a battlefield and see any weak spots in his own lines as well as those of the enemy. Able to watch the flow of a battle, and be assured of victory when all other think the battle lost.

What a Chapter Master can do.
The basic Chapter Master comes with a Chainsword, Bolt Pistol, Frag and Krak Grenades, Power Armour and an Iron Halo to boot…at a whopping 125 points. But hey…He can call in an Orbital Bombardment which can more or less blow up anything one turn the entire game. Now if only he could do that every turn he wanted…HAHA…that would be sick I know…

There are three main types of Chapter Master which I will go over in a quick less than 20 minutes of your life type thingy…

Power Armour Chapter Master
The normal Chapter Master will more than likely walk around in his Power Armour or in some cases have his own Artificer Armour which you can replace on his model instead of basic Power Armour. The Artificer Armour by itself gives the Chapter Master an Armour Save just like that of a Space Marine in Terminator Armour, but does not come with the 5+ Invulnerable save that the Terminators get.

Now the Chapter Master has access to any and all weapons that his Chapter can wield so most people if they deal with a Chapter Master will give him some neat toys to rip apart the enemies of the Imperium.

I would instantly give the man Melta bombs flat out…I mean really he is the Chapter Master he is going to want to blow stuff up from time to time…I mean I know I am right… A Digital Weapon for the re-roll in the assault phase. Then throw on an Auxiliary Grenade Launcher and he will be good to go with just a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword…ha-ha… That launcher will make him go all Predator on the enemy…ha-ha

But he is the Chapter Master and no self-respecting Chapter Master of a Space Marine Chapter would willingly go into battle with a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword and call it done… Some sort of Power Sword or Lightning Claw is what is needed if not then a Thunder Hammer, maybe a Power Fist, but I always thought of a Power Fist as a sergeant type weapon. Maybe swap out the Bolt Pistol for a Storm Bolter or a combi-weapon and really make him shine.

Assault Chapter Master
This is the Chapter Master who takes it to the enemy, the Chapter Master who rips out the enemy’s entrails and shoves them down the throat of the next enemy and makes them chew every last bite. Just like the Power Armour Chapter Master throw on some Artificer Armour for the save of 2+. I mean really he is the Chapter Master I think the guy deserves a set of this stuff…

There are two choices here both come with a face pace squad of heavy hitters and the rest of the squad comes with the same options…when you pay for it of course. Ha-ha… The Jump Pack and the Space Marine Bikes are both great choices. Give the Chapter Master a Power Weapon/ Fist/ Thunder Hammer to hit everything he can as he drives or jumps around with Melta bombs and this guy by himself will be a force to be reckoned with. But because of that he will need a squad as backup to take a few hits a guy like him would be my first target…but he would have enough speed to get out of a lot of situations before they get out of hand…

Terminator Chapter Master
He who is untouchable. He who has walked through the valley of death and smacked everyone around. He who has well…done everything…A walking, talking, shooting, smacking everyone around him that he wants tank. Slap this man in the Terminator Armour. Storm Bolter and Power Sword standard…I mean really does he need anything else. I would say yes…get rid of that sword and give the man a hammer…If you are going all out use a hammer on the way out leaves a bigger hole in the area you went through.

Maybe even put on a Storm Shield just for kicks and show the enemy that their weapons ain’t gonna touch you but when you get there you are going to touch them…really hard…

*I tried to keep the points of everything out of this little sorry in advance if I wrote down to much info...I just wanted to give some pointers on the new codex because I cannot find my old copy of what I had written down.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Objective Markers...

I dont know about you but it seems to me that the objective markers at my local gaming spot are pieces of paper or just trash in general...I mean when was an empty 12oz can of Coke-Cola something that the space marines have to fight for...I mean I could understand Pepsi...but really...


Second thing...This is something everyone has...unless you just throw them away...shame on you for this...Extra Bits...Weapons, Guns, Grenades, Bases the other weapons on a tank that you wont ever use because you just super glued one set onto the tank...So seeing that I had a few free minutes and would like to show you how to do a quick Objective Marker...Here we go...

First you will need the following:

Bases - Troop Bases or any would really depends on how large you want one

A bunch of Bits

Step One:
Take a Random Base of your choosing...(I know really I just said that)... lay it in front of you next to a few weapons, guns, so on and so forth...

Step Two:
Glue said items onto base

Step Three:
Let said Glue dry, then prime, then paint...

I have not had a chance to paint these things yet but hey you get the idea right...

But seeing that I had a few minutes I grabbed my paint and a cup of water and my smaller brush and did a quick paint job...just so I can say...HEY...I am the man...

Also Objective Markers don't have to be I said...that was a few minutes of work one coat move on with life...

Gawd...I Love Fridays

Well it is Friday again...Second week of the blog and I think I am doing a good job so far...threw up some battle reports where my Space Marines tore into the Necron Hordes...did even better the second game...only lost a single terminator...and his Battle Brothers killed everything left on the table because of it...

Of course there will be more Army List that I put up...Other Battle Reports...6 Wins...haha

Heck I will try and go over each army choice in the Space Marine Codex...I have already gone over two or three on the forums I use but I think I will edit what I said a little bit and post it here to make it worth even more...

And Because it is Friday...

I am going to leave you with this bit of a picture...

Thursday, May 14, 2009

The Ultra Templar Versus the Necron Hordes Part 2

As I have said before I have a nice little army of Space Marines...and I am not even done yet...much less painted any of them but the Ol' Terminator Chaplain...(by the way he has lived through seven battles and not taken a wound yet...but he kills a lot).

1250 Points of Necrons Vs 1250 Points of Ultra Templar

His force of Necrons consisted of:
3 - 10 man Warrior Squads
The Nightbringer
3 - Destroyers
1 Necron Lord on Destroyer Body

My Ultra Templar Force consisted of:
2 - Man Terminator Squads
2 - Chaplains in Terminator Armour - Attached to one Terminator Squad each
1 - Land Raider - Attached to one of the Terminator Squads
2 - 10 Man Tactical Squads (Missile Launcher, Multi-Melta, x2 Flamers)

Turn One:
I rolled higher but I allowed him to move first...he moved his 6" then messured and saw that he was lacking on distance...

I Moved my 6" and rolled a 4" on everyones running...which was funny...Land Raider Moved all out and Fired one of its Twin-Linked Lascannons at the Nightbringer...nothing happened there...

Turn Two:
He moved again took his Destroyers and turned to fire into my Land Raider...Two Shots Missed the other hit but did literally no damage...I looked at him and said..."I bet my guess just laughed..."

MY turn allowed me to get the land Raider up close enough to unload my terminators in there and my other terminator squad on the other side of the board was clsoe enough to assault this turn...I open fire again with Twin-linked Lascannons...and every other heavy weapon I had and took out the Nightbringer...poof...I was happy...Terminators turned to the destroyer squad took them out and the Necron Lord on Destroyer Body...other side of the field I rapid fire into the Necron Hordes and took out a few...Missile Launcher scattered away into open ground...

I then assaulted with my other Terminator Squad into a warrior squad...ripped through all of them...Power Weapons cleaving through them like there is no tomorrow...

Turn Three:
He brings back most of the ones that were shot up...including Nightbringer...wait is that even legal...ok fine...he only has one wound left anyway...I make all my armour saves when he opens fire. No one assaults me...

My turn consisted of firing the Missile Launcher hit...ordance blast covers seven guys...HECK YEAH...wait...what do you mean 4 make their armour save...SON OF A...

I assault with my two squads of terminators into the warrior squads...Land Raider puts Nightbringer down again...All but two guys are left in one squad and another squad of warriors is all that is left at this point...he should have phased out but I have not lost a single man at this point and was feeling greedy...

Turn Four:
None of his men make the WBB rolls...he rapid fires into my guys...I lose a Terminator...

My turn consisted of his brothers avenging him...ripping through the rest of the Necron Horde like a hot knife through butter...


At the end of this game I had lost a single Terminator to his entire army...that is what happens when you rid out those invul saves and make them so well and those 2+ armour saves on the Terminators are soooo good...but not good enough to save that Terminator...

All in All...I would say this battle is something to brag about...32 men went in and killed a small Necron Horde...31 came out...and not a single Necron left...

6 Wins - 2 Draws - 1 Loss

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Ultra Templar Verus the Necron Hordes...

Well as you guys can tell I have a nice little army of Space Marines...and I am not even done yet...much less painted any of them but the Ol' Terminator Chaplain...(by the way he has lived through six battles and not taken a wound yet...but he kills a lot). As of last week I was able to get my brother over 2500 points of necrons for him to paint and bla bla bla...Well he finally got most of his Necrons glued together and I was able to convince him to play a game last night...

2500 Points of Necrons Vs 2500 Points of Ultra Templar

The Necrons consisted of:
Necron Lord w/destroyer body
Necron Lord
2 groups of 5 flayed ones
4 Immortals
3 Destroyers
4 Destroyers
2 Heavy Destroyers
3 groups of 10 Warriors
1 group of 7 scarb swarms
1 Monolith

It comes out to be about 2000-2100 points but ehh he said it was 2500 so I did not complain...haha...I just made my own 2500 point list

2 Terminator Chaplains w/Storm Bolters
2-5 man Terminator Squads w/Assault Cannons
1 Dreadnought
5-10 man Tact Squads (lascannon, Missile launcher, 2 Heavy Bolters, Multi-melta)

2 Land Raiders that were attached to the Terminator Squads and each squad got a chaplain to run with.


Turn one:

His Turn:
He moved his men the 6 inches and tried to take a few pot shots...Monolith just sat Armour saves saved the three shots that actually hit...

My Turn:
I fired my Land Raider with the two Twin-Linked Lascannons at the now it would just be terrain for the entire which point I laughed and said now I just have to keep killing the robots...and I did...I really did...

Turn Two:

His Turn:
Well he was close enough to take a few more shots at me as I had moved up my last turn and took out his two Heavy Destroyers and all his Destroyers and Necron Lord on Destroyer Body...and all but one Heavy Destroyer got back up...and he Stayed to the end of the game no matter how many times I put him down...that WBB roll is sooo evil...

I lost three Ultra Templar out of 50 during this turn.

My Turn: I was able to do my Rapid Fire into two full squads with all my marines...on top of this I was able to get my terminators squads to disembarq from their land Raiders one on each side of the table...they fired into a warrior squad a piece...Faust and his squad killed their entire squad in front of them...My other Chaplain however did not kill but 3 necrons out of the squad in front of them...I also did not move them close enough to assault in this turn either which was my fault...

My Dreadnought moved up and took a pot shot and killed a destroyer again and then turned to fire the storm bolter but it miss fired and nothing happed...I can see it now...*Dreadnought fires the Multi-Melta blows up a Destroyer...turns to fire the Storm"SON OF A"*


Turn 3:

His Turn:
most of the necrons get back up and fire into my squads...I lose 2 more marines...and I only grin...he even fired at my Dreadnought only for his armour to shrug it off and Terminators took two full squads of warriors firing into them...I made it even easier for him and only took the invul saves on them...each shot that actually hit me was saved on the invulv saves...that was almost 20+ shots and all saved...My Terminators only grined as his 4 destroyers took their 3 shots a piece to be saved, by all but one terminator...

My Turn:
I Marines rapid fired into the necron hordes killing almost all the terminators charged the destroyer squad who just killed one of their Battle Brothers...and ripped them apart...the Land Raider they were in killed off some more warriors behind them...

My Marines got into hand to hand combat with his scarb swarms...riping into them and only losing one marine and the entire scarb swarm was wiped out...

Turn 4:
His Turn...the destroyers were all unable to make their wbb rolls all but one and his did a leadership test and passed and moved away just far enough so I could not catch up with worries...the warrior squad behind him charged my terminators...Only to be slaughtered down to one warrior...

He passed his leadership test and moved away and I did not choose to go after the one warrior...I move my Terminators another direction where the fighting was stronger...

My Turn:
I killed all but one squad of warriors at this point with my Rapid Fire shots...on top of the Land Raider and Land Raider Crusader...the only squad that made it was the one on the back row...and it still lost a few men...

Turn Five:

His Turn:
His Heavy Destroyer finally took out my dreadnought...and the explosion was unable to take out the destroyers in front of him...well one did but still I wanted to take out the whole squad Destroyer Lord included...haha

My Turn:
He was down to one squad of warriors as his flayed ones were killed off before they could do any damage as they telported marines just turned around and killed them off...

My Terminators were angry now and charged in...but to no avail...they were all killed off leaving only Faust alive and kicking...and boy did he get angry...the only left after that battle was a fully pissed off Faust and a one wound Destroyer lord...who passed his leadership and jumped away...I would have too...haha

at this point I just opened fire with everything I had...and killed off everyone...

every troop and necron on the field was killed with concentrated bolter we had ignored the less then 25% rule so we could keep playing I killed everything he had...By the end of the game I had killed every model he had and only a single flayed one was able to make his WBB roll...

I had only lost 5 Terminators, a Dreadnought, and 7 Battle his entire army...I think that was pretty good...but I will say this now...I think he will start winning if he can play the game better as we both are still getting use to how to play the game...

but Fasut Model in his Terminator Armour has not taken a single wound in the last 6 games...

5 Win-2 Draw-1 Lose

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My Army List at 1000 Points - For Team Battles

I will be posting multiple army list that I use at my gaming store on Sunday's.

The First of course is the smallest game we play of 500 every now and then it is usally 750 to 1850 points but from time to time we hit 1000, and that is where this list comes into play...I was able to field it just the other day and it took all four turns before the Land Raider was taken out and the terminators killed off...but the Chaplain just strolled around killing everyone he could reach out and touch...haha...

HQ Unit
Equiped w/: Terminator Armour as well as a Storm Bolter
= 130 points

5 Man Terminator Squad w/Land Raider Crusader w/ Multi-Melta
= 460 Points

Troop Choices
10 Man Tactical Squad
Sergeant equiped with a Bolter and Close Combat Weapon
1 Flamer, 1 Heavy Bolter w/Rhino
= 205 Points

10 Man Tactical Squad
Sergeant equiped with a Bolter and Close Combat Weapon
1 Flamer, 1 Multi-Melta w/ Rhino
= 205 Points

This comes to an even 1000 points the only major downfall to this list would be that the lack of troops I have to use, but at 1000 points the boards are about three or four feet wide so one turn of movement allows the bolters to have about full range of the field. As the points go up I add more troop choices. And Yes...That Chaplain is still leading from the front...he has not fallen in the last five games...

The Multi-Melta is swapped into place of the Lascannon as I will will be using the Land Raider for that off the wall IG tank I will end up going against... But with four power fist, a power sword and a Power weapon on the chaplain I think I can kill anything else...

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ultra Templar Battle Company...

To date anyway...haha... A Grand Total of 5000 pts even

I've begun the long road towards collecting a Battle Company for my Chapter...I have most of a Battle Company right now minus a few Rhinos and the two full 10 man Devastator Squads...

Here is the list:

HQ -
Captain: 160 pts
Power Fist, Combi-Melta, Artificer Armour, Digital Weapons

Chaplain: 135 pts
Terminator Armour, Storm Bolter, Melta Bombs

Command Squad: 205 pts
2 Veterans, Apothecary, Company Champion, Company Standard, 2 Power Fist, Meltagun

Terminator Squad: 440 pts
10 Terminators, Assault Cannon, 2 Chainfist

Venerable Dreadnought: 165 points

Dreadnought: 105 pts

Dreadnought: 105 pts

Dreadnought: 125 pts
Assault Cannon, Missile Launcher

Techmarine: 90 pts
Servo-Harness, Power Weapon

10 Man Tactical: 205 pts
Flamer, Missile Launcher, Rhino

10 Man Tactical: 205 pts
Flamer, Missile Launcher, Rhino

10 Man Tactical: 205 pts
Flamer, Heavy Bolter, Rhino

10 Man Tactical: 205 pts
Flamer, Multi-Melta, Rhino

10 Man Tactical: 240 pts
Meltagun, Plasma Cannon, Power Fist, Rhino

10 Man Tactical: 235 pts
Plasma gun, Plasma Cannon, Power Weapon, Rhino

10 Man Tactical: 240 pts
Plasma Gun, Lascannon, Power Weapon, Rhino

Heavy Support
Land Raider: 260 pts
Storm Bolter

Land Raider Crusader: 260 pts

Predator: 130 pts
Side Sponsons - Lascannons, Storm Bolter

Predator: 175 pts
Side Sponsons - Lascannons, Twin-linked Lascannons, Storm Bolter

Whirlwind: 85 pts

Vindicator: 125 pts
Siege Shield

Vindicator: 125 pts
Siege Shield

Fast Attack -
Scout Bike Squad: 105 pts
3 Scout Bikers, Power Fist, Astartes Grenade Launcher

Bike Squad: 160 pts
4 Bikers, Power Fist, 2 Meltagun

Assault Squad: 255 pts
10 Marines, Power Fist, Flamer, 2 Plasma Pistols

Assault Squad: 255 pts
10 Marines, Power Fist, Flamer, 2 Plasma Pistols

Friday, May 8, 2009

Ok First off let me say that I only did this because one I had the time to do it and two...a graet guy put up a great Tutorial...

But none the less I did one myself and I want to brag a bit about it...Haha...

First off I used one of my two Dreadnoughts I got off of eBay from the Assault on Black Reach...Thus if I messed up I was only out $5 and not $40...

So onto the list of items I used...:

1 Assault on Black Reach Dreadnough

1 Space Marine Front Torso

1 Space Marine Helmet...yes you would probably want to use a helmet on this guy...

1 Space Marine Shoulder Pad

1 Bottle of Games Workshop Plastic Glue

1 Pair of Games Workshop Snippers...

Ok First Step...

Take the shoulder pad and the helmet you have and dry fit it to see where you will need to cut the shoulder pad at...when you cut it make sure you cut it far enough in where the back of the helmet will hit the back of the shoulder pad...

Trust me it helps a lot...

Second Step...

I cut the front of the dreadnought right off...snip snip snip...left a nice sized hole on the inside...and then I cut around to make a nice squar opening...then I glued the Space Marine Front Torso to the front of the dread like so...

Third Step...

Take the Shoulder Pad Helmet-thingy you just made and dry fit it to the torso/dread body/frame...haha...

Then Glue around the edges if you have not already glued. Let it Dry...

Final Step...

Glue on some Purity Seals on the arms and chest...throw on a few other things that make it stand out...

I had to stop myself with the Purity Seals or it would have been covered in them...haha

The Space Wolves Rumor Mill

Ok folks, again I'm stating some more rumours - just becasue I feel its necessary with you guys

If drop pods are taken, the whole army must take them.

Bjorn the Fellhanded has AV14 on all sides, better stats.

There is some mad Wulfen Character, who has his own personal drop pod. Can choose who he fights in combat. like a challenge in WFB. No-one else can fight him apart from the person hes attacking, unless said model is killed, in which case his squad can then attack him.

All rules for SC have been rebuffed - all of them can take terminator armour for +50 points. All SC models are getting re-done, if not for the actual release then in subsequent releases.


Whispers on the wind tell us the following:

Space Wolves have two new main sets planned:
-Wolf Guard in Terminator armour.
-Plastic Long Fangs set.

Currently the Grey Hunters and Blood Claws aren't getting much of a makeover; however, there is the high probability of a BT/DA style upgrade box/sprue.

There will also be several new metal figures released.

Continued talk and chatter is gelling around a September release slot for the Sons of Russ.

Any character can take terminator for 50pts, which includes weapons.

Runic weapons I believe function as relic blades, but with something else quite snazzy.

Wolf Guard (in terminator armour) with lightning claws rack up 6 attacks on the charge each. A very broken thing to do (think this ill be omitted from the final codex) is put them with Ragnar Blackmane, who gives them Fleet of foot and rending, though dont' quote me on rending.

Individual wolf guard can replace squad leaders - all should look individual.

No model in the SW codex at all has the option to take a thunderhammer and storm shield.

Wolf Scouts won't be troops.

Wulfen are back in (old)


I already have Logan Himself painted up all nice and neat...with a 5 man Wolf Guard squad ready to lead his troops against the enemies of the Imperium...I look forward to this...

The New Ironclad Dreadnought

Issue #40The Games Workshop Newsletter May 2Nd 2009In this issue: Incoming! Incoming!
Today, at Baltimore Games Day, hobbyists in the US were given a first look at the forthcoming Space Marine Ironclad Dreadnought. Just one of the great new Space Marine miniatures released this summer, this imposing walker is ideal for attacking enemy fortifications in games of Planet Strike.

Space Marine Ironclad Dreadnought
This fantastic multi-part plastic kit comes with all of the weapon options from Codex Space Marines, including the fearsome seismic hammer.

Games Workshop Limited, a company incorporated in England and Wales. Registered office address Willow Road, Lenton, Nottingham, NG7 2WS, England. Company number 1467092.
Content of this email © Games Workshop Limited 2009. Games Workshop, Citadel, Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000 and all associated marks from the Warhammer world and Warhammer 40,000 universe (including derivatives thereof) are © ™ and/or ® Games Workshop Limited 2000-2009, variably registered in the UK and around the world. All rights reserved.
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--Honestly I am looking forward to this as I already have three dreadnoughts, this one right here would only be welcomed as I have had great luck with the dreadnoughts

My Army List at 750 Points

I will be posting multiple army list that I use at my gaming store on Sunday's.

The First of course is the smallest game we play of 500 every now and then it is usally 750 to 1850 points but from time to time we hit 500.

HQ Unit
Equiped w/: Terminator Armour as well as a Storm Bolter
= 130 points

5 Man Terminator Squad
= 200 Points

Troop Choices
10 Man Tactical Squad
Sergeant equiped with a Bolter and Close Combat Weapon
1 Flamer, 1 Heavy Bolter w/Rhino
= 205 Points

10 Man Tactical Squad
Sergeant equiped with a Bolter and Close Combat Weapon
1 Flamer, 1 Lascannon w/ Rhino
= 215 Points

This comes to an even 750 points the only major downfall to this list would be that the Terminators all have to hoof it across the board, but at 750 points the boards are about three or four feet wide so one turn of movement allows the bolters to have about full range of the field. As the points go up I add more troop choices and a Land Raider or two. And Yes...That Chaplain is still leading from the front...he has not fallen in the last three games...

The Lascannon is for that off the wall IG tank I will end up going against and for 10 points it kills anything that it wounds...tanks included... But with four power fist, a power sword and a Power weapon on the chaplain I think I can kill anything else...

The Commander of the Army...

Which is better...

I mean think about it you have in essense four choices: The Warrior (Captain/Chapter Master), The Monk (Chaplain), The Mechanic (Master of the Forge), and then The Wizard (Librarian). Each one is a powerful warrior in their own right, each one able to take out almost anything thrown in front of them...

But I ask this question...Which one is worth the price...Each one starts at 100 points, the main difference is the Captain/Chapter Master start with a Bolt Pistol and Chainsword where the Librarian starts with a Bolt Pistol or Bolter with a Force Weapon the Chaplain is in the same boat with his Bolt Pistol or Bolter with his Crozius Arcanum (ie blunt object power weapon of death). Even the Master of the Forge comes with a Bolt Pistol/Bolter option and then he gets a Servo-harness for free. Yes the stat lines the Captain and Chapter Master both have the same stat lines the only difference is the Chapter Master cost 25 more points, but they both have a Weapon Skill of 6 and a Balistic Skill of 5. No one else in the codex has that good of a stat line, people come close with a Weapon Skill of 5 or a Balistic Skill of 5 to match them but their weapon skill of 6 will lay down a hurting on a lot of things.

But stat line aside I am talking points here...who comes out on top with the same weapon stats.

Captain - 100 points
Power W - 15 Points
Bolter - Free
Total Cost = 115 Points

Librarian - 100 points
Force Wea - Free
Bolter - Free
Total Cost = 100 points

Chaplain - 100 Points
Power We - Free
Bolter - Free
Total Cost = 100 Points

Master of Forge - 100 Points
Servo Ha - Free
Bolter - Free
Total Cost = 100 Points

For a Basic Command Unit 100 Points for everyone but the Captain he comes out at 115 Points for the Power Weapon basic cost.

Now most people will run with a Storm bolter for the gun in their HQ units...I myself use either a Storm Bolter or some sort of Combi-Bolter, but lets stick with the Storm Bolter, Terminator Armour Basic.

Captain - 100 Points
Termi/Storm B/Power S - 40 Points
Total = 140 Points

Librarian - 100 Points
Termi/Storm B/Force W - 55 Points
Total = 155 Points

Master of the Forge - 100 Points
Termi/Storm B/Power S - Not a choice
Total - 100 Points

Chaplain - 100 Points
Termi/Storm B/Power W - 30 Points
Total = 130 Points

So Point Wise in Terminator Armour the Chaplain wins by 10 points alone.

So points alone the Chaplain has become a very useful HQ unit, put him in the Terminator Armour and throw on a 5 man Terminator Squad with Assault Cannon that would only be 360 points and that includes two power weapons, four power fist, five storm bolters and an assault cannon. That will lay down a massive amount of fire power as I have done this before and plan on doing it again.

Gawd...I love Fridays...

Well it is Friday...First week of the blog and I think I am doing a good job so far...

Of course there will be more Army List that I put up...

Heck I will try and go over each army choice in the Space Marine Codex...I have already gone over two or three on the forums I use but I think I will edit what I said a little bit and post it here to make it worth even more...

And Because it is Friday...

going to leave you with this bit of a picture...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My Army List at 500 Points

I will be posting multiple army list that I use at my gaming store on Sunday's.

The First of course is the smallest game we play of 500 every now and then it is usally 750 to 1850 points but from time to time we hit 500.

HQ Unit
Equiped w/: Terminator Armour as well as a Storm Bolter and Melta Bombs
= 135 points

Troop Choices
10 Man Tactical Squad
Sergeant equiped with a Bolter and Close Combat Weapon
1 Flamer, 1 Heavy Bolter
= 170 Points

10 Man Tactical Squad
Sergeant equiped with a Bolter and Power Fist
1 Flamer, 1 Missile Launcher
= 195 Points

With this list here I don't have a lot of troops on the field but I do have the weapons to take out the occasional vehical as well as elite troops that may some how be put on the field against me. As we all know a Terminator Armour allows for a 2+ armour save and a 5+ invul. save but the Chaplain gets a 4+ invul. save because of being the man...haha not many armies will be able to feild enough weapons like i did to take out a terminator armour chaplain.

Deathwatch Kill Team

I have always been a big fan of the Deathwatch...So in keeping with my Space Marine Army I have gone out and made myself a small Deathwatch Kill Team...

Captain of the Deathwatch
Equiped: Power Maul, Artificer Armour, with a Plasma Pistol
= 110 points and he comes with an Iron Halo with the new codex...speical ammo included...

Six Veterans
Equiped: Three equiped with a Power Sword and Bolter, Three equiped with just a Bolter
= 255 points for the three men with Power Swords and special ammo included...

Each Bolter is equiped with Inferno Bolts to really tear into the enemy forces.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Ultra Templar's Master of Sanctity

The power armour suits worn by Chaplains are considered holy in themselves. Often they are hundreds, if not thousands, of years old.

A Chaplain's armour is highly stylised and archaic in appearance. Black is the colour associated with Chaplains, and most or all of their armour is painted in this colour. Symbols such as skulls and Imperial eagles commonly adorn the armour, but Chapter-specific symbols are also used. The face plate or the entire helmet is traditionally skull-shaped. Skulls are also repeated throughout a Chaplain's armour - adorning an entire shoulder plate, the upper chest armour or the groin guard. One area of the armour, such as a shoulder guard, is always left in the Chapter colours, displaying the Chapter symbol.

Part of the Chaplain's formal regalia is the crozius arcanum, the Chaplain's staff of office. Used in chapter ceremonies and worship, many Chaplains take them into battle, symbolizing that battle is the highest ritual of the Chapter. The crozius is usually topped with an Imperial Eagle or winged skull. It incorporates a potent energy field, allowing it to be used as a weapon; one that will punch through armour easily, showing the power of faith.

The Rosarius that Chaplains wear around their neck incorporates a powerful force field generator, offering the bearer protection against weapons that even power armour would offer no hope of survival against. In light of this, the rosarius is sometimes referred to as a Chaplain's 'soul armour'.

Master of Sanctity Faust

I feel as though the Chaplain is the best of the three choices you have to make when it comes to a Space Marine Chapter's HQ choice.

Yes you can have a Captain or even a Chapter Master for about the same amount of points...throw them in some terminator armour give them a power weapon and a storm bolter...but they won't have that 4+ invulnerable save and it cost an extra 10 points. On top of that you have the Liturgies of Battle as well as the Honour of the Chapter...The Liturgies are a very useful item to have when assaulting which is something I try to do whenever I get a chance...and seeing that this guy is in Terminator Armour from the word go on top of atleast a 5 man terminator squad I am sure they will be packing a nice sized punch for anything or anyone they come across.

How to make a Powerfist/Storm Bolter

I was at work one night around midnight or so which was a first and hopefully something I will never do again...but like I was saying I was at work catching up on a few things and as they were loading onto the CD's...the caffine was kicking in and thus my mind was working over time and I was thinking along those lines of this...

I was just sitting there thinking "Hey...the crimson fist guy gets a powerfist and a wrist mounted storm bolter...grey knights get wrist mounted bolters as well...and Calgar from the Smurfs gets a powerfist with bolter on both hands...WHY NOT MY CHAPTER...hey look a powerfist...and some bolt pistols...HEY..."

Now you see my train of thought sick I know...but it works in its own little way...

For this you will need the following:

1. Glue of some sort I use the Plastic Glue from Games Workshop

2. Those sniper-thingies from Games Workshop (the clippers that you cut the stuff off the spruce with.)

3. Two Bolt Pistols...any verson will do as most will be cut off anyway...

4. A Power Fist...Hopefully one without to much on the top...

Step One...

Cut the handles off the Bolt Pistols as well as the clip/and or hand/arm off of the Bolt Pistols...

You also need to shave off one side mirror image of the Bolt Pistols so they glue up together atleast somewhat well enough...

This should leave you with this...

Next take the Power Fist and remove any icons on it...Leaving you with something like this...

Next Glue the two Bolt Pistols together...Making This

Next Glue those Bolt Pistols to Power Fist like this...Making This...

For the Ammo clip I took the clip off a terminator stormbolter and glued it to the side of the gun...


Honestly...I think that is a cool conversion...if you wanted you can take some green stuff and make a cord that goes from the back of those bolters to the backpack of the marine you are using it on and make the heavy bolter idea like Pedro from the Crimson Fist...