Saturday, August 29, 2009

I was Thinking...

and I got a headache for it too...haha

But seriously...I prefer to play a 1250 game...I enjoy it as I have multiple units to use and so on and so forth...but lately it has been 500-750 games...tried out the Sons of Baal and I did OK with them...but certain units flat out kill them in the smaller games...

-Deamonettes...and Noise Marines to name the two I play the most...that I5+ really puts a hurting on my I need something to counter that...

So I am putting together a new 500 point list...

Captain w/Power Sword
10 Man Tact Squad w/HB and Flamer
5 Man Tact Squad
5 Man Vanguard Squad...or two Land Speeders that swap out the HB for a MM and then buy another HB making it 5 points cheaper...maybe a Melta Bomb on the Captain...


Also I am probably going to throw together a small Salamander Army together as I just got done reading the Salamander Novel...

Maybe get the Forgefather when he is released and paint him all green and what not...maybe a nice 1250 list or so would do them justice...

Forgefather Vulkan He'Stan - 190 pts
8 Man Assault Terminator Squad 4 TH/SS and 4 TLC's - 320 pts
10 Man Tact Squad w/MM and Flamer Serge w/PW & Teleport Homer plus Rhino - 235 pts
10 Man Tact Squad w/HB and Flamer Serge w/PW & Teleport Homer plus Rhino - 235 pts
5 Man Honour Guard w/Razorback w/TwinLinked LC, Storm Bolter - 270 pts

That should put a hurting on a lot of things...the Homers allow the Terminators to drop in without scattering and the Honour Guard go in with Vulkan to put a shinney blade where the sun don't shine...haha...on top of that pretty much every weapon besides the TLC's, Bolters and Lascannons are either Master Crafted or twin-linked as well...making it hurt even more then...haha also this makes it so the only ones walking are the Terminators...

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