Friday, August 21, 2009

Gawd...I Love Friday

THANK GAWD IT IS FRIDAY AGAIN... little one has a nasty cough for the past few weeks...and finally after much harassment from her mom of her taking her to the doctor I got fed up and did it myself...on one of my work days... I would have gone sooner but I assumed it was alergies... But as mine has not been that bad for a week or so and hers was still going I stopped by the Doctor's office...

It appears she has a cough...virus...virus...cough...needless to say it is a virus that hits little kids and they cannot shake it to save their lives...luckly the worst is just coughing...and coughing...and coughing...haha but the Doc gave her a prescription for it and should be done by next week...If not we are heading back to make sure it is not anything else...

But seeing it is friday...and my little girl is here at the office with me I just grabbed the first hot woman photo I could find...and Eva is hot...

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