Thursday, June 11, 2009

Razorback or another Rhino

Well I found the other vehical that I bought when I first started to paint my Space Marine Chapter up...gawd...4 years ago or so...

And Seeing that I have the Razorback already done with Aurora's name on the front I decided to put her middle name on the other vehical...(ie Rose)

But I had actually made it into a Prediator Tank that I just well ripped the Twin-Linked Lascannons off the top and the sponsers well lets not even go how they did not work to I can make this other vehical into another Razorback or I can cap it off and call it a Rhino...I dont know yet...

Also some pictures of the Razorback as well in the same color scheme...

Now the catch is this...all the other vehicals will have a different color to them...I am thinking of having a squad or two match these colors but for the most part the chapter guys are all going to be in black to signify that they are morning the loss of so many of their battle brothers....


  1. Ummm... Did I miss a day here? It be Thursday, matey.

  2. Why would you say that...we all know it is Thursday...

    Are you ok...
