Sunday, January 31, 2010

Thunderfire Cannon...Finally Painted...

Well I was thinking the other day...I have a Techmarine I am painting up but dear gawd he looks like shit to the extreme...period...but I still have my Thunderfire Cannon and Techmarine there...

Sooo I was thinking...why not dry brush him with some chainmail after priming it like I did my Iron Warriors and see where it goes...and actually I am kinda happy with major details as my detail brush has been replaced by something else...hell if I know what it is...haha...looks like a brush but no where close to my detail brush...

So here are some pictures...

I will run this as just a Dreadnought, Monsterous Creature...get a whole 5 points out of it...

Also I am working on another Tactial Squad should be done by tomorrow night...

Which means 16 points for Janurary...

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