And yes it is about the Space Wolves new codex that is coming out soonish...haha
First off
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...ok I will stop but none the less 15 point Grey Hunters and 15 point Blood Claws...ok so the Claws went up a point the GH guys stay about the same but now I don't have to pay for my Bolters and Grenades...sweetness...
I have not seen any Dreadnoughts being HQ units for this codex and honestly I will miss that a lot...I enjoyed having a Dread in my 500 point SW was fun...
Having a truck load of Leaders will help us destroy everyone that much quicker and I for one completely understand why GW did what they did with the Packs, and Leaders and so on and so forth...I do honestly want a cheap Ven Dread as an HQ if worries...haha
But anyone who reads the Space Wolves Novels the codex that everyone has been reading about and screaming cheese...Honestly...go read the Novels...almost word for word how the codex should be...
Ohh no a force of Terminators as troops...Sorry Dark Angels you don't have that trick anymore...BULL I SAY...I still get that trick plus a bit can swap out for a TH/SS or TLC for free I would have to pay for my Claws...
Blood Claws apparently are just scouts in Power Armour...OH WAIT THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE IN THE BOOKS...except they are not ones that go out to scout they are the ones that get thrown into the guns to kill as much as they can until they learn to control their wulfen inside them...
Long Fangs are SOOO BROKEN you say...SO let me get their straight...I get 5 weapons to your 4 weapons...ok then...more then likely I won't be able to field 10 men in my Long Fang pack where your Devastator squads can field 5 more guys with bolters to take the wounds...even if I can field the other 4 guys with bolters...their range is 24...not 36-600000...haha so they wont be adding a whole lot but bodies like...WAIT YOUR DEVASTATOR SQUADS DO...
Wolf Packs as a troop choice...OHHH NO WHAT SHALL I EVER DO...uh it is called rapid fire for a reason...more then likely a single wound unit with a 5+ save of some sort if they are lucky and are there just to clog your fire lanes as the rest of my guys get up there...
Single men fighters...with MASTERCRAFTED MELTABOMBS...MUHAHAHAHAHA...with their 3+ armour save...all by themselves...standing the open...*cough*RAPID FIRE AGAIN*cough*....
GAWD I AM SO people yell cheese without even seeing the codex first...WOW THIS UNIT CAN DO THIS...they fire laser beams out their ears and their eyes stare you down until that unit takes their own lives and their bolters are crafted on the forge world of mars itself and have a 48 inch range that has a strenght 7 ap2 and assault 23994...OH MY GAWD...
oh wait that has not happened yet...if that did I could understand the cheese you would yell then...
OH NO you say...THE GREY HUNTERS ARE THE SAME AS CHAOS MARINES...WHO ARE SUPPOSE TO BE 10,000 YEARS OLDER SO WHAT THE HECK...really...that is the best you can come up with...oh bejesus himself...grey hunters are usually older then most veterans in other would think that age would mean...hey...lets grab a blade when we go out today...and stab those mofo's that get in our face...we can use our bolters cause they have true grit...WAIT NO MORE TRUE GRIT...darn...I guess we just have a bolt pistol instead...darn...
I reply this with this answer...OH MY GAWD BECKY...LOOK AT HER...codex...really everyone else in the last few codex's have gotten grenades for free in the basic unit...CSM, SM...bla bla bla...
And the one everyone yells cheese about...Rune Priest w/Jaws of the World Wolf
I have to say that looks neat...HECK YOU KNOW WHAT...I will copy and paste straight from Ultramarine Blues blog...they will be in will that work for you...
"...Jaws of the World Wolf (basically a 24" line that removes models that fail an Initiative test)".
Go on, read that sentence again.
Let those words sink in nice and deep into the ol' brain.
I think you'll agree with me -- SW player or not -- that the first thought that jumped into your head and ran around in circles screaming was "HOLY FUCKING FUCKITY FUCK FUCKING HARE FUCKING KRISNHA JUMPING ON A POGO STICK! What the FUCK WAS GW THINKING? Surely this is bullshit. Surely this is some little gag mkerr is pulling, yanking our collective chains..." ( may not have had that exact thought, but I'll bet the thought you HAD was something similar. If it wasn't...friend, you either love cheesy broken bullshit like a crackhead loves crack served on a stripper's nipples or you've got some sort of mental block that's not letting you see just how incredibly, completely, ab-so-fucking-lutely broken a power like this is...)
After recovering from my apoplectic fit (LOL!) and remembering how to breathe again, it dawned on me that mayhap mkerr the elder chose not to share some details about this new power. Perhaps there's some kind of special test, or save...oh YEAH, there's an INITIATIVE TEST. That'll save ya!
Congratulations, Games Workshop. You've outdone yourselves! You couldn't just take the new C:SW by the power-whorehouse for enough "sessions" to make an entire codex rant-worthy (comical or otherwise).
Oh, NO, that's what we expected.
Instead, you made your opening bid a single psychic power so jacked that it was rant-worthy by itself!
It's really a shame, too, because I was thinking maybe, just maybe GW had gotten a better hold on the whole "game balance" thing and while I expected the new SW book to be very competent, close-combat-wise -- and definitely a "step up", power-wise from the old SW 'dex...I certainly wasn't expecting the steaming pile of wolf turds that this power represents -- unless there are mitigating rules/circumstances/things we don't know about yet that makes even using this power in some way risky to the Rune Priest and/or there is some kind of "save" other than a woefully-ridiculous initiative test.
Now, one thing: notice I didn't say SW players shouldn't take this power. If it's in your book, take it. However, I may very well begin carrying a 2-foot-long crowbar with me to game so that I'll have my own little "24 inch line" that makes things disappear (or collapse in a heap of bruises and pain, which is just as effective) for those special moments when your 200+ point squad gets eaten by an invisible wolf. :)
Smoke 'em if ya got 'em, folks. Inquisitor Lords with the old-school unlimited range psychic hood are now pretty much mandatory unless you enjoy the feeling of wolf johnson in your backside. Actually, a tooled-up Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Lord with all those nifty "make the enemy psyker go away" powers/wargear...hmm...
I posted this on his site and I will post my reply here as well...
Real quick word though
you only loose the guy(s) if they fail a leadership test...
lets say they are LD8... hits three guys... roll my 2D6 three times and poof each time has a 66% chance of passing said test...which is also about the chances of the SM armour saves of 3+...
So while everyone is getting all it is is PURE CHEESE...think about it for a second...and remember...I might hit three guys and if I am lucky...I can take out one of them...oh no the guy hit the serge with a power weapon...well then negate the wound to the guy with a bolter...
Think about it before everyone complains...haha...
It may look cool on paper and I see a lot of people using I won't lie I will use it myself in games where I can aford the Rune Prist himself...but for the most part...just stay far enough away and treat like the lash it is...
Aaaaah, my little rant is making the rounds. :)
ReplyDeleteThe only thing I have to say is the leadership test is wrong. Sorry. Got the full scoop on JotWW from mkerr @ BoLS, and he's read the new codex and even made army lists from it.
Let me make this clear: THERE ONLY SAVE VS. JOTWW IS AN INITIATIVE TEST. And there's no "wound" to re-allocate, the model that gets hit is removed from the game...eaten by an invisible wolf.
For mkerr's full explanation of JotWW and how it works, check his Flywire Tumblr:
This isn't guesswork or taken out of context, it is written by someone with the new SW codex in hand -- I know Monty personally and I trust him to tell the truth, full disclosure style.
You can say whatever you want about the power not being broken. That's perfectly fine. :)You're a SW fan, and hey, I get it. If there was such a thing in my book I'd take it, too. But I wouldn't EVER try to dress it up as anything other than what it was -- broken, cheesy as all hell and probably (more than likely, actually), not very fun to play against.
Also...just so ya know, after ever new codex and do a little rant bemoaning how effin' broken it is. It's done in fun, y'know, for the giggles. I'm glad to see a new marine codex with some real power, even if it's not exactly -my- marine codex. :) pretty much every other newly-released codex, there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth, the-sky-is-falling style, for about 2-6 months (maybe more, maybe less). And then after the shine has worn off and everyone gets a chance to either play with the new book or against it (or both) those things that seemed so UBEROMGFTWBBQ WEEZA ALL GONE DIIIIIIIE will be digested by the metagame and new tactics both with and against the new book's new toys won't seem to OMG SO OTT!! anymore. I call it the New Codex WTF Tango, and most of the community dances it every few months. :)
So pretty much my math is sound but instead of a leadership test they take an initive test...which means that what I said still goes...
George lets see what our contestant gets for trying...
The majority of the time -- for space marines, anyway, a Ld test would be much, much better because while "standard" they have Ld 8), most of the time they're at Ld 9 because of the required vet sgt. for every squad. That means passing 75% of the time. If your marines are in the squad with captain or master (or if Sicarius is in the army), it's even better at Ld 10, which equals passing 83% of the time.
ReplyDeleteI can't think of anything off the top of my head that modifies Initiative, except for that one libby power that boosts his to 10 for the round.
All things considered, I'd rather it be a Ld test, but hey, that's not how it is.
I do have some good news for you, though: I read through the new book today and there IS a Ven Dread HQ choice. He's expensive -- 270 points, if memory serves, but he's pretty damned awesome, too, WS/BS 6, A4...FA 13 plus Venerable special rule PLUS a 4++ Invulnerable Save (yep, you heard me, a 4++ Invulnerable save for a dreadnought). It's Maximum Dreadnought, and I love it. Not enough to hop in the puppy pound (god I hate bandwagon whores), but just knowing it's out there puts a smile on my face. :)
haha...thanks man...
ReplyDeleteI think Bjorn might be who you are talking about but even in a 500 point game with the Grey Hunters 15 pts a peice I can still get two 5-6 man squads in there...haha