HAHA...had a blast over the weekend...and even got to play a game Tuesday night...
First off...
Thunderfire Cannon is my new best friend for 100 points in a game that has, IG, Tau, Orks, anything that has a truck load of people in it...
I used that on my first game Saturday...took out half a squad of IG guys...then the Cannon was hit by half a dozen long distance shots from that same IG guy...I still say he did not have line of sight...why you ask...I was behind a wall...literally...but whatever...Techmarine walked away and torn into his team mate with his servo-harness and took out a Necron Lord...it was very nice to watch that...
Played a few other games with the Thunderfire Cannon that day...very useful...as well as my two Land Speeders...great for a distraction...I just need to figure out the best weapon combo...I went with Heavy Bolter, Heavy Flamer or Mulit-Melta...but the first game saw them destroy a whole tact squad of Space Marines the second game saw them blown up after a turn of shooting...all the other people on the other team (3 vs 3 game) used every shot they had to take them down...that was a lot of shots let me tell you...and they never blew up either...ended up having one with a Heavy Bolter sit there taking pot shots at everything around it each turn...
Which means Land Speeders are a hit or miss really in my SM army...
Sundays games saw me bring out my Land Raider Redeemer...(which was really a Land Raider...but I proxied it as a Redeemer...) and let me just say...that Strenght6 AP3 Flamer really roast some orks...I threw in some Assault Terminators with Twin Lightning Claws and a guy with TH/SS plus a Chaplain in Terminator Armour and they took out a whole squad of Tank Bustas...and Lootas...it was a truely magical experience...
Second Game on Sunday saw me just form gun lines and rip into well nothing really...I got stuck with a guy on my team who cannot make an army list to save his life...he had 750 points to use...he ended up with a Sential...Valkarie...2 Veteran Troop squads...his cheap HQ...and that was it...is that 750 points...no...because nothing was maxed out...nothing...
ehh no worries...I threw my guys at a squad of Khorne Besekers...they killed the guys as they died...it was great...snipers took out the Khorne guys that survived...only for them to die before the Sternguard could get to their help...only for the sternguard to die before the IG guy was able to well...do anything...haha
that game was a screw around game...40k in 30 minutes really...
Everyone had a plan of letting the IG guy win...and he did...HE KICKED BUTT...because people kept disappearing from squads...don't know how that happened...haha
Tuesdays 4k game of 2 on 2...1k a piece was a bit more fun...I played SM with Cassius and a Grey Knight Grandmaster with Terminators in my Redeemer...Sternguard, scouts, and tact guys...my team mate had Witchhunters I think...we lost...but barely...Sternguard took out a Deamon Prince with Rapid Fire poisioned rounds that wound on a +2...hit on a 3 wound on a 2...it was great...sternguard died before some Emperors Children though...that was not cool...haha
all in all...I would say I got 4 wins 1 Draw and 1 Loss...that was a great time...