Thursday, July 23, 2009

I got to ask...

Should I stay a loyalist with my 5k worth of Space Marines... have a viable apoc army at any point in time...

Or should I split the army in about half and have half as the Loyalist with Scouts and Razorbacks...and the other half with smaller Land Raiders and no storm bolters...

I dont know which way to go as I have already acrude 9 wins with the Icon or Khorne alone...

Tell me what you guys think and we will go from there...

1 comment:

  1. sometimes it's nice to just have one huge army so you can switch things up for variety. also, from a long term point of view - who knows what will be hot or cold with the next edition or codex? having one huge army means you'll be able to field a competitive army all the time.
