Tuesday, July 7, 2009

370 Points of DEATH...haha

Well I finally got ahold of the new Imperial Guard Codex...and I was thinking...

I have two fully painted Storm Trooper squads...nice paint job on each one...why not see how much they cost point wise so if I ever get to play an apoc game I can know off the top of my head how much these guys cost and so on...

185 points that is how much a 10 man squad cost with a Power Sword Serge, a Flamer, and a Grenade Launcher...not that bad really...I really like their new Hot-Shot weapon...AP3...haha...I like that idea a lot...these guys can kill a Space Marine Squad with ease...Their Balistic Skill of 4 helps with that a lot...

Stormtroop Squad A

Sergeant w/
- Power Sword
- Grenade Launcher, Flamer

Stormtroop Squad B

Sergeant w/
- Power Sword
- Grenade Launcher, Flamer

What I dont like is their basic transport is 55 points, yes it comes with a multi-laser but my Space Marine Rhinos come with a Storm Bolter and is 20 points cheaper...but I guess two weapons off the top is always a good thing when you are the Imperial Guard...haha

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