Friday, July 31, 2009

Gawd...I Love Friday

You know what guys...

It is Friday...

SWEET AS HECK...I am heading out of town on Wed morning at 730am with my daughter from the Airport to Arizona...from NC...this ought to be seeing that I have had my hands full getting everything ready I put a new idea up on the Forums Copy and Paste as I will be calling it...and then edit to make the words seem to fit better...haha...So there is a chance I will miss next weeks Friday Post as well as anything else I might post next week...haha

So until I talk with you guys and gals later...

Here is a pic to keep you happy till then...

Yeah...I would totally do her...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Some Copy and Paste

I enjoy going to I have found quite a number of useful tutorials as well as posted a few of my own to make sure you see the cool stuff...

I am going to copy and paste it onto my blog here...with a direct link at the bottom to see the person's own work...

Cause I am cool like that...HAHA

Brick Wall Tutorial


Need a nice little piece of scenery to make your base or board stand out a bit. Here is a simple and quick way to add a nce piece of flair to that

Step 1. Get you a picec of foamcore! Cut it up cause this will be your main piece of the wall.

Step 2. VERY IMPORTANT YOU USE THIS OR SOMTHING SIMILAR. Get some type of sealent or putty to cover up the foam if not when you spray the primer it will get ruined, I recommend this

Step 3. Get some magazine subscription cards an cut them into strips then into little blocks, these will be your bricks.

Step 4. Glue your bricks onto the foamcore, in a brickwall pattern, the sizes of the actual bricks can be left up tp you.

Step 5. Time to spray the primer

Step 6. Paint. I like drybrushing it because it brings out the brick work. Here I painted it with all shades of grey, bleached bone, and white. Now your done!

Heres a example of it on a base:

The Link to the Real Brick Wall Tutorial...with Bad Spelling and all...haha

Friday, July 24, 2009

Gawd...I Love Friday

Three full months...I am glad to have been doing this...I am thinking of doing something like I did for the scouts with Tact Marines and other squad types...

but seeing that I am busy at work all I got is the pic

Later guys and gals...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

I got to ask...

Should I stay a loyalist with my 5k worth of Space Marines... have a viable apoc army at any point in time...

Or should I split the army in about half and have half as the Loyalist with Scouts and Razorbacks...and the other half with smaller Land Raiders and no storm bolters...

I dont know which way to go as I have already acrude 9 wins with the Icon or Khorne alone...

Tell me what you guys think and we will go from there...

Saturday, July 18, 2009


The sheer numbers...ever get a chance to play an apoc should...just make sure you have the time...I got a chance to use every model I had...3 Chaplains, a Librarian, 3 Techmarines more Apothocaries then you could shake a stick at and 11 tactical squads...11 man...good gawd it was great for me...over 7,000 worth of points to me alone...had two other team mates another Space Marine player with 2,500 worth of points and an Imperial Guard with 5,500 worth of men and tanks...and he had over three times as many as the other SM player and me...haha...Plus we got to use some other Titans for the Imperial was f'in sweet...

Against 15,000 points of NIDS...

Ever seen a Bio-Titan...I dies real quick against two Warhound Titans...(The Warhounds were the stores and no I did not take any pictures...sorry)...

Using a giant field we lasted two full turns before they were in range to assault...well assault our first line of defense which was me of I the most points so I was in the front line as well as the right side of the board holding that side...Imperial Guard in the middle and the other SM player to the left side...nids everywhere else...haha

Wave after wave of gaunts, and warriors, and everything that came in range died in the most horrible fashion...but my men knew we were just buying time...And because my men were made of sterner stuff (I guess this was before we lost so many to the Necrons and then to Chaos Powers...haha) but in the end the nids got to my first line of me...That is when I dropped in my first 10 man squad of terminators right behind them...and ate up the two other warriors squads behind the one that just assaulted me...none of them surivied...then my terminators turned around and opened fire again into more hordes...3 rhinos raced forward with a Land Raider Crusaider and tried to pick up the 10 men and get them back to our lines...I was able to save 4 of the 10 men that day...but the terminators were able to take out 4 squads of gaunts and 1 of the Mr12 shots...Powerfist for the win...haha

Moving in Reverse and firing as we go we reaped a fearsome tally...

By the third turn the left side with the other SM player was hit...almost full force...the right side where I was simply killed everything that came close to them before assault range was even meet...the men in the front...killed everything they could...and right before turn four jumped back into their rhinos and pulled back the full 12 inches...allowing them to live to turn five...but by now the nids were in range of the Flashlights of DOOM...haha...silly Imperial Guard thinking they can kil...OH MY GAWD...That is right the massed fire of 5k worth of Imperial Guard weapons killed everything...but everything was not done yet...the SM player to the left...dissappeared under waves of gaunts and warriors and everything nid...and turned their attention to the Imperial Guard...

So I did what any Space Marine Commander would have done...full out 12 inches and make a wall with my the Rhinos were blown up my men just open fire killing everything that was in range...rapid fire was my friend...till the next turn...the front line Space Marines were now the Left Side Space Marines with the two or three squads left from the orginal 2500 points and my divereted about 2k as well...combined after turn 5 we had maybe 1000 points of men left...and they were dying quick...the Imperial Guard fired everything they could but not enough was killed...the Warhounds had already been taken out two turns ago after putting a nice sized dent into the Nids...or so we thought...stupid Nid rules of coming back into play from the farside of the field...stupid apoc extra rules...haha

down to about 3500 worth of SM points I charged forward...I would end up reaping a fearsome tally on turn six and even turn seven...and I surived longer then either of the two other guys on my team...but in the suriving terminators made a circle...

and fought to the last...
Turn 1

Turn 6

Turn 7

Friday, July 17, 2009

Gawd...I Love Friday

11 weeks worth of information...and that new scout post I did yesterday has already gotten a few things of feedback...that was pretty cool...found that article I wrote gawd...when the codex came out...

If you have any ideas tell me about what you think I should do to add to this blog...I am all for new ideas...even if they are not mine...haha...

I will just cut and paste until they are anyway...

You know the email make sure you put a title like Concerning the 40k Blog or something like that...if not I will hit the spam button...haha

And so once again I leave you with a picture I think is worth it...haha

You might remember Gigi Edgley as the white skin crazy woman on I miss that was cool

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Space Marine Scouts

Ah, Scouts the under-rated, under-used Space Marine half-breed step-children.
Before we launch into the uses of specific types of Scouts, let's address the elephant in the room.

Why the hell would anyone take Scouts?

Two things: They are scoring units and they are cheap as hell. And when I say Cheap I mean cheap as hell comparied to any other unit in that codex...PERIOD...

The main thing Scouts have going for them is that they're a Troops unit. That means they can capture objectives. In 5th Edition, with 2/3 Missions involving scoring units, this is definitely something to keep in mind. In the amount of games I've played since 5th came out, I've noticed a shift from the old days of only taking your obligatory 2 Troops units then loading up on elites/fast attack/heavy support. Troops are now the MVP's of the army, and with Space Marines you only have two choices, the Tactical Marines of up to 10 men with bolters a special weapon (flamer, melta or plasma gun...) and a Heavy Weapon (HB, MM, LC, Bla bla bla)...throw on a Rhino for 35 points and go at it...or like this topic is about the Scout.

The second thing they have going for them is that they're cheap. Looking only at 5 man squads, Scouts are 15 points/model, whereas a Tactical Squad Marine is 18 points/model. If we beef these squads up to 10-man squads, they become even more efficient at 14 points/model for Scouts and 17 points/model for Marines. A Space Marines army will rarely be the side with more models on the table, and some army builds will feel that deficiency more than others. Scouts can help out a great deal by putting more bases on the table for the same points, or possibly opening up some points for a desired other unit/upgrade by trading out a Tactical Squad for a Scouts Squad.

How are Scouts different from Marines?

The biggest difference you'll find is in their stats. Scouts have a WS and BS of 3. hey're not as accurate, but for the most part, having Rapid Fire weapons helps to alleviate that. Also, they have an Armour Save of 4+. It's not Power Armour, but it's the next best thing. Also, not to be forgotten, they can infiltrate. Start the game off with a few Objectives already captured.

Different types of Scouts

Close Combat Scouts
Scouts have an option to replace their standard gear with a Combat Blade or a Shotgun for free. Why did I include Shotgun in the Close Combat section? Because it's 12", S4, Assault 2. There isn't even any Armour Pen. Considering their standard-issue Bolter is 24", S4, AP5, Rapid Fire, why would you take a Shotgun? The only time a Shotgun is preferable to a Bolter is shooting prior to an Assault. Rapid Fire weapons cannot be fired in the Shooting Phase prior to an Assault, but an Assault 2 weapon can. The 12" range pigeon-holes their role even further. What I plan to do with my Scouts is make a 10-man squad with 5 Combat Blades and 5 Shotguns. It's a delicate balance figuring out how many Blades to Shotguns in a squad. The more Shotguns, the stronger the pre-assault Shooting Phase...potentially softening up the target and making the Assault Phase easier. The more Combat Blades, the stronger the Assault Phase.

Long Range Scouts

Also an option is to equip your Scouts with Sniper Rifles for free. 36" range, AP6, Heavy 1. Sniper rifles wound on a 4+, regardless of Toughness (great for Carnifexes and Wraithlords) and have Rending to boot! Any roll to Wound of 6 immediately causes a Wound and makes that shot AP2! The "Heavy 1" and 36" range of this option are what make this Squad build a Long Range Scout. Best thing to do with these boys is to sit them in Cover with some Camo-cloaks (+1 to your Cover Save) somewhere removed from where the heat of the battle will take place and attach a heavy weapon like a Missile Launcher or Heavy Bolter.

Mid-Range Scouts

Standard Issue Bolters for the win. These Scouts find their role in the thick of things alongside their Brother Marines. Due to the lack of Combat weapons, play the mid-field and use their Rapid Fire to the best of its ability. I've taken a Heavy Bolter along for when standing your ground is what's called for. On the move, he still has a Bolt Pistol. Another cool thing about giving a Scout Squad a Heavy bolter: they get the free option of firing a Hellfire Round instead of their normal 3 shots. A Heavy Bolter's Hellfire Round is a Heavy 1, with a blast marker. It's also poisoned (always Wounds on a 2+) making it a great "Oh no you DIDN'T!" option when a Carnifex or Wraithlord gets all up in your Scout's grill.

Overall Scout Tactics
The main thing to stress here is that in a Space Marines army, no one unit can do it alone. That's important. You do not have enough models on the table to take too many risks. Your units need to support each other.

OK, now since Scouts are scoring units, we're going to focus on taking and holding Objectives. Objectives generally come in 4 flavors:
Ones in YOUR Deployment Zone
Ones in Your OPPONENT'S DZ
Ones midfield, and
Ones out of the way of battle.

If the Objective is in Your DZ, the ideal candidate to hold this is a Long Range Scout Squad. Sniper Rifles and heavy weapons will do wonders here while still being able to participate in battle. They will do this role better than a Tactical Squad with a Heavy weapon, simply because Sniper Rifles have a longer range than Bolters. The Scouts are actually more efficient at this. In the spirit of No One Unit Can Do It Alone, sit a Heavy Support Unit with them. Make it a strongpoint. If you can convince your opponent that they don't want to go near that Objective, you've already taken one important step to victory.

If the Objective is in your Opponent's DZ, you will want Combat Scouts, Tactical Squads, and even Mid-Field Scouts to help out here. This will be the hardest kind of Objective to get, and will probably also need the help of whatever Fast Attack and Elites you have.

If the Objective is mid-field, you will want Tactical Squads and Mid-Field Scouts. When I talk of Mid-field, I don't just mean any area in between your Deployment Zones, I mean areas that will clearly become the zone where your two armies will concentrate their fire. Even when holding this Objective, your Mid-Field Scouts will be able to pitch in with their 24" Bolters (and Heavy Bolter if you took it.) Your Elites should be helping out here. When you've established ownership of these Objectives, it is time for your Elites, Tactical Squads and Fast Attack to converge upon the Opponent's DZ Objective(s).

Some Objectives are not in either DZ, but clearly are out of the way of where the main battle will be held. These are best held by Long-Range Scouts. This way you can capture that Objective that will take your Opponent too long to try to get to right from the beginning. If he/she decides it's a lost cause and focuses mid-field, you've taken another step towards Victory. Again, No One Unit Can Do It Alone. Out of the way Objectives are vulnerable. Be prepared at ALL times to come to their rescue with your Fast Attack Units. While your Troops and Elites push Mid-field, your Fast Attack should be hovering somewhere between the thick of battle and the Out of the Way Objectives, harassing your enemy's flanks. When the mid-field is secure, have the Fast Attack move on to converge at the Opponent's DZ with your assault oriented Troops and Elites.

Sergeant Telion

I wouldn't feel right discussing Scouts without mentioning the new Special Character Sergeant Telion. While awesome, keep in mind that he costs 50 if your main reason for taking Scouts is to get more boots on the field, this option would defeat your purpose.

That said, Telion has a BS of 6! That's not only a 2+ to hit, but if you roll a 1, you get a second chance (6+) to still make the shot! His Stalker Pattern Boltgun is considered a 36" Range (!), S4, AP5, Heavy 2(!) with Rending (!). That's a huge candidate for attaching him to your Long Range Scouts. Heavy 2, 36" Range with Rending! But we're not done yet! Eye of Vengeance allows YOU to allocate Wounds caused by Telion's shooting, rather than the opposing player! But we're not done yet! Voice of Experience allows Telion to give up his round of shooting to allow another model in his unit to use HIS BS of 6! Remember that Missile Launcher I had attached to the Long Range Squad? Ever made a hasty prayer to the Emperor when relying on that one last Krak missile shot to take down an enemy tank? Well the Emperor's answer to you is Scout Sergeant Torias Telion.

Now, while I have clearly shown you the benefits of taking Telion in a Long Range Squad, I should also mention that he has 2 attacks and a WS of 5, making him a decent accessory to a Combat squad as well... but with every other ability and even his main gun aiming him towards a Long Range role, I wonder if it would be worth it

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Three Wins Today...

Ah the Mark of Khorne...

The Mighty Icon of Khorne...

The tactical finesse of Khorne Bezekers...

wait did I really just say finesse of Khorne Bezekers...Indeed I did...The Ferious Charge alone made it worth their points when I charged in game one and two with them and slaughtered who squads of Astrates...ten men will fall pretty quick against 12 Bezekers...after one round in both games both squads had died and I was right behind the rhino that they just got out my squad lived to kill even more...

Then my Chaos Marines with the Icon of Khorne...well lets just say 41 attacks on the charge as soon as I jump out of my rhino still does a lot of damage...haha

Chaos Lord
Terminator Armour, Icon of Khorne, Deamon Weapon, Combi-Melta
Chaos Marine Squad x10
Champion w/Power Fist
Flamer x2, Icon of Khorne, Rhino = 265 pts
Chaos Marine Squad x10
Champion w/Power Fist
Flamer x2, Icon of Khorne, Rhino = 265 pts
Khorne Berzerker x12
Champion w/Power Weapon, Melta Bomb
2 Plasma Pistols = 317

This was my list of DOOM...Those powerfist came in handy a the 1500 point game I played I threw in my 1k Son squad as well as a few terminators to go with the Lord...I enjoyed my list a bit to much...

All in All...I lost through out all 3 games maybe 4 squads...the Bezekers all three times and about 10 chaos marines through out the three games...the Lord never died...and the Terminators only slaughtered it was great hidding behind a blown up Land Raider then charging the next turn into some Warp Spiders...I did not even know what the looked like painted until today...and their color was red...I think...haha

Friday, July 10, 2009

Gawd...I Love Fridays


Holy mother of pearl...haha...

I was going to post a picture of my hot girlfriend but I am fairly certain that somehow she would find out about a blog I have never told her about see her picture and well...kill me...haha

So I am going to leave you with this bit of a picture...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

370 Points of DEATH...haha

Well I finally got ahold of the new Imperial Guard Codex...and I was thinking...

I have two fully painted Storm Trooper squads...nice paint job on each one...why not see how much they cost point wise so if I ever get to play an apoc game I can know off the top of my head how much these guys cost and so on...

185 points that is how much a 10 man squad cost with a Power Sword Serge, a Flamer, and a Grenade Launcher...not that bad really...I really like their new Hot-Shot weapon...AP3...haha...I like that idea a lot...these guys can kill a Space Marine Squad with ease...Their Balistic Skill of 4 helps with that a lot...

Stormtroop Squad A

Sergeant w/
- Power Sword
- Grenade Launcher, Flamer

Stormtroop Squad B

Sergeant w/
- Power Sword
- Grenade Launcher, Flamer

What I dont like is their basic transport is 55 points, yes it comes with a multi-laser but my Space Marine Rhinos come with a Storm Bolter and is 20 points cheaper...but I guess two weapons off the top is always a good thing when you are the Imperial Guard...haha

Monday, July 6, 2009

To be or Not to Be...

Chaos anyway...

I am just loving that Icon of Khorne...I mean really, really love it...yes 30 points I could use on something a Icon of Nurgle and give everyone a 1+ on toughness...make those dice a bit harder to hit me against everyone else right...or I can get an invulv save with the Icon of Tezh...WOW that would work against one guy I know right off the top thank you Mr. 12 shots you SOB...and I dont mean the sisters...But what about the other mean the Icon that lets me hit first in Close Combat against other Marine armies and therefor almost every other army out there...*except Mr. 12 Shots family I know...*

But like I just said...hit before or get 10 more hits...

so I go back with the I love Khorne...and I enjoy placing the skulls of the Ultra Templar at the bottom of his Skull Thorne...That and my Chaplain Faust gets to kill EVEN MORE NOW...throw a little title of Lord on him and BOOM...evil man walking...

Had a chance last week to play the Chaos list...pretty much split my 5,000 point Space Marine army down the brother played my tried and true 10 win Space Marine army...complete with Terminators, Land Raider Crusaider, Whirlwind and a number of scouts and everything I could not use in my own Chaos list...but that was ok...I got a squad of 1k Sons and some Bezekers...a 7x4 board was used some buildings and walls in the on and so to use my Chaos Lord with Jump Pack with his 10 man Raptor Squad (ok...really was a 10 man assault squad...or was it I love that 5-20 man rule for chaos...haha...went up against a Chapter master with Power Sword attached to a 10 man Assault Squad with a Powerfist and a few plasma pistols...) Kept the Chaos Squads at 10 men for the game except the 1k sons at 8 (9 with the Socc)...and the Bezekers were at 12 men...

Turn one...I killed those scout snipers with AP3 bolter rounds and some flamers...they died in seconds...I can still see their little bodies burn before the might that is Chaos...even Scout Sergeant Telion died in a very very painful he wished he joined the Terminators now for his 2+ armour save he will never get...haha...

I had completely forgot how man guns my Space Marine army had...but I guess because they were fighting men they had fought next to for so long and now had to fight against...They just could not do it...and not a single man fell...well the ones in range stayed alive...all one squad...haha...Whirlwind scattered to the far reachs off the board away from any trouble...and his Chapter Master with Assault Marines jumped forward to attack me fallen Raptors and Chaos Lord with them...but came up to short...way to short to even assault me...hehehe...

His Razorbacks fired into my Land Raider that all of the sudden could only hold 10 men...what the heck...well there was only 5 terminators in there worries...but cover saves made those shots useless...then it was my turn...

everyone moved forward all 12 inches in their rhinos and Land Raiders...the Bezekers went the six and rolled for running making it another 6...snarling right at their uptight brothers not even 10 inches away on the board...the 1k sons...6 whole inches...They fired all their shots again...another squad minus the Sergeant with a Power Sword fell...instant death was pleasing the Dark Gods today...

By now my Raptors were in assaulting range...with two close combat the Icon of Khorne...41 attacks plus the Chaos Lord with only a Power Weapon *I had a Deamon Weapon elsewhere and I wanted only to try one and you will see why in a second* with his Mark of Khorne...47 attacks on the charge...a number you will see multiple times mind you...against his 10 assault marines...with their 23-25 attacks base...really now...haha...I have 36 attacks base...but I was assaulting...all my attacks were thrown...40 of them HIT...HOLY MOTHER OF PEARL...22 of them wounded...wait 18 saved...stupid 3+ armour saves...I ended up being hit a whole 6 times...5 of them were saved...THANK YOU 3+ SAVES...haha

At this point he opened fire with every bolter he had on hand...and some I dont think he did but no matter I was in rapid fire range and it was my own fault...Stupid Mark of many shots were know how many I lost...out of 6 squads fired into...including the Bezekers, the 1k Sons the Chaos Squads...I lost not a single man...because out of all his shots he fired...he only wounded me a messily 12 times...all 12 were saved...PAY HOMAGE TO THE DARK the way...he had about 50 men rapid firing into me so out of 100 shots only 12 hitting me the math gods were laughing with my dark gods at this point...

Now it was time for me to assault...and assault I did...his Terminators all died before the onslaught of 40+ attacks...there is only so many times a 2+ save will save still get to deal with that 1...and he dealt with it quite well I add by the way...after the Bezekers and a squad of Chaos marines 80 attacks on the charge...I made sure I was the one assaulting this whole game...I think I may have fired 3 dozen shots the whole game and those were from the 1k Sons...which ended up in Close Combat against that Lone Sergeant...who well died when he charged...I like that Invule save they brother did not...By this turn the Chapter Master was alone and had killed 3 men...only to fall before his fallen brother who was now a Chaos Lord with the Powers of the Dark Gods in his hands...

By turn two every Squad that was alive was now in Close Combat...his 10 man Terminator squad had done the combat tactics to be in two places at once...and was down to three men including his Chaplain... and he was down to a 4 man Stern Guard squad and 2 tact squads...I had lost 6 men so far...he was dying by the droves...

The end of turn two and the begining of turn three was the end of of a squad of Chaos Marines to those 3 Terminators who turned around and pumped lead into the besekers who were in front of another squad of Chaos Marines...their own powerfist included...I never able to deepstrike in my other 5 man Terminator Squad and my Terminator Lord with Deamon Weapon of Khorne finally got locked into combat...with holy mother of pearl...13 base attacks now...ALL FROM A DEAMON WEAPON...this would reap a fearsome tally...and by the end of Turn Three...his army was one surivived...the Razorbacks were sitting their in smoke...his Land Raider was blown up...his own Rhinos were no more then craters...and the men...could not bring themselves to kill their fallen battle brothers...not even to save their own lives...the two Dreadnoughts tried to rally at the last turn but some well placed Melta Bombs made sure that those in their walking tombs never walked again...

I however faired far better then he did...not even 25 men were killed...out of 9 squads in the game...and not even able to Deep Strike my other Terminator Squad with Twin Lightning Claws...

I think I am just loving that Icon of Khorne...I mean really, really love it

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Gawd...I Love Fridays

Even if it is Saturday...

Sorry I have not posted a lot lately...with work and the divorce finally finalized...wait is that even a word...haha...I will still use it though...

Was sick as heck on top of it yesterday and thursday...still feeling it too so I am not doing a lot of moving on the 4th of july...haha

But none the less...HAPPY 4TH OF JULY...

and if you are not from America...or not in America...I bet you wish you were so you can have a day off with pay...HAHA

And because it is such a cool about a bunch of women in one picture...I would have done better but the other ones I found had less clothing and lets just say they were "working" on becoming better "actors"...haha