Wait you say...I thought you were on a winning streak...Well against most armies at the worse I can pull out a draw...but nids...nids seems to be my one real bane...I am more or less forced to take a powerfist just to force a wound on those monsterous creatures...T6 for most of them...
Now I know if you are reading this you are thinking...Quit complaining...or what about Warriors and bla bla bla they are all T4...
Sure I will agree...but the three nid players around here...they do not play T4 armies...the only thing less then a T5 in their armies are the swarms...Not even my Multi-meltas can instant kill a T6 guy...unless they are on their last wound...and that is another thing...T6 with 4 or more wounds...really...what the heck man...and then they poop out whole squads of swarms every turn if possible that can move...shoot and assault the same turn they come in...REALLY...COMMON MAN...and you can have three of those things on the field too...that is just a funny wrong...
And then their is their Psyhic Powers...past the test you can make a Squad WS and BS 1 now...oh my gawd...I just went from hitting thist Giant monster on a 4 to a 5...not a whole lot I know but when your tactical marines only have 1 attack anyway...no matter what...those 9 hits just went from maybe 5 to maybe 3...then I need a 6 just to wound you...yeah thanks a lot mr psyhicer...gawd...haha
But I had a fun game tonight...took out quite a few monsterous creatures...and their body guards...unfortantly it was an Loot Counters game... came out to a 2 to 1 victory for the nids...half my army did their job...the other half got slaughtered whole sale...haha...and to top it all off I did not relize I had 4 elite choices in my army until after the game...2 dreads, 1 sternguard squad and 1 terminator squad...stupid stupid stupid...haha...it was ok though...I lost both dreads to one of the Monsterous Creatures...took both of them...one being a Venerable to take him out...but boy did we...haha
I just need to come up with a list that can handle such a large number of those MC's in one go...
Does anyone have any Ideas of what weapons I can use from the Space Marine codex that might help against the new Nid codex...HAha...
Also I should have another 20 Bolter Marines set up and finished by the end of the month...not Special or Heavy Weapons...just regular Bolter Marines...I want to have enough of these guys done to have a Battle Company...all I need are 2 Assault Squads...26 Bolter Marines (7 per tact squad and 6 per dev squad) then paint up all my Heavy Weapons as Ultra Templar...4 more rhinos as I have two Drop Pods set up and ready to go...at the rate I am pumping these guys out for Table Top Ready...I can actually have it done before the Blood Angels come out...
Now if only I had the money for 4 more rhinos and 20 assault marines...haha