I have two squads of Chaos Marines five men a peice...one has a flamer in it...and that squad gets the Aspiring Champion with the Power Fist
Squad two is the one with the Power Sword in it and a Combi-Weapon as well for the Champion...
Chaos Lord is the Basic Warsmith Model...but I guess he would have a Powerfist and Combi-Weapon to go with him
Come to find out I dont even break a 300 point mark with this army here...haha
I have a few more Chaos Marine models to paint up...but after that all that is left is the terminators...this army won't even break 750 I am thinking...but hey...there is always time to add to them...haha
Worse case...my Soul Drinkers can take up a few spots and play the part as Chaos Marines as well...haha
Sorry about the flast there...it was either a flash at 2am or a picture like the other 5 man squad is...to dark to really tell...haha...also the Warsmith looks a heck of a lot better in person...
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