Friday, November 27, 2009

Gawd...I Love Friday...

Well Friday is here again


I know right

I relized something...and I acted...

HAHA...really I did...

I had noticed that my Iron Warriors when I play them against my other Loyalist army versons (Sons of Baal, Soul Drinkers, and Ultra Templar) they come out on top...and I think that is awesome...of course I play the Iron Warriors and my brother ends up playing my armies as his has not yet arrived via a trade from Rogue Market...ehh no worries though...

sooo...In rememberence of this awesome act of wanton destruction and violence...haha

I bring you Warsmith Savarese...hehe he has the same last name as me...I wonder if we are related...haha

Thursday, November 26, 2009


no really enjoy that food....cause I know I will...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Had an Idea...

I think I have made a point about this but you know what I got some time to think as I drive down the road not really paying attention to anything in particular...

I relized a 2k list of the 10th company would actually do some real damage

Fluff wise too...

Think about it for a second...

6 - ten man squads of scouts...maxed out 3 with 10 snipers and the other 3 as assault scouts...I think my math came out to be about 850 points...and that I think includes Telion model a power fist in two of those assault squads and Heavy Bolters with Hellfire rounds in the sniper squads...base of 6 troop choices or up to 12 can barely do that in a 2k game with regular Space a 2k game with scouts you still have another 1000 points for DOOOM...haha

OK THEN to the list of awesomeness...fluff wise too...

There would be no terminators...or sternguards...take that out of your mind first off...about the only people in power armour will be the HQ and his guys...but hey if we have the points we can work it in somewhere...haha

Captain w/Relic Blade, Storm Shield, Artificer Armour, Grenade Launcher...175 pts

...and yes this is legal as the Relic Blade is not a two handed weapon per-say and you already loose the extra attack in close combat from the SS...thus no harm no foul...the grenade launcher allows him a shot in the shooting phase if he needs it...

Command Squad w/Apothocary, Company Standard, Company Champion, Veteran w/Meltagun, Powersword, Veteran w/Meltagun, Powerfist, Razorback for transport w/Twin-Lascannons...280 pts

Scout Squad 1 w/x10 men, x9 Snipers, x10 Camo Cloaks...170 pts
Scout Squad 2 w/x10 men, x9 Snipers, x10 Camo Cloaks...170 pts
Scout Squad 3 w/x9 Men, Telion, x8 Snipers, x9 Camo Cloaks...217 pts
Scout Squad 4 w/x10 men, x5 Shotguns, x5 CCW&Bolt Pistols, x1 Powerfist...165 pts
Scout Squad 5 w/x10 men, x5 Shotguns, x5 CCW&Bolt Pistols, x1 Powerfist...165 pts
Scout Squad 5 w/x10 men, x5 Shotguns, x5 CCW&Bolt Pistols, x1 Powerweapon...155 pts

Dreadnought w/Extra Armour, replace CCW w/Twin-Assault Cannon
Dreadnought w/Extra Armour

Heavy Support:
Thunderfire Cannon

Scout squads 1-3 will stay ten man squads and leap frog from cover to cover...

Scout squads 4-6 will combat squad out into buildings and ruins for the 3+ cover save...having 6 squads that pin per turn will stop many things...the Whirlwinds and Thunderfire Cannon will take out any hordes and armour as possible...the Captain and his squad will probably run with the Assault Scouts...

But that is 60 scouts right there...haha...and that is the marine horde army...fires like a Imperial Guard army but hits like a Marine if only I could get them Chimeras...haha

Friday, November 20, 2009

Gawd...I Love Fridays...

Got a few games in earlier this 1am my mind was not working and I was thinking that my Weapon Skill 5 against a Weapon Skill 4 I would need a 3 to hit...IE strenght 5 weapon against well you see where I am going with this...

But it was cool...everything worked out in the end...

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Got a new Squad of Iron Warriors

This would bring the total up to 15 Iron Warriors at this point plus the Terminators and Warsmith...

nice little round army for dealing death now...haha...maybe I can finally drop the Land Raider for the 1k army...

Sorry for the bad picture the lighting in my room is not the best in the afternoon...

Friday, November 13, 2009

Gawd...I Love Fridays


I know right

another week has gone by...still not found a job yet...that truely does suck a lot...wish I could get back to my old job...

eh...just gives me time to do a campagin with the 40k people I know...seems like it will be fun...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I have fun I swear I do...

I am lucky enough to live 30 or so odd minutes away from not one but two locations where I can play 40k with two different sets of people...

But here is the catch...

Catch one...where I started playing is just my little group of people...8 people tops...nice little group but at times can be as little as 3 people on a given play day...which can suck a bit...

Catch two...the second location has a minimum of 6 people show up...for use of just 2 tables...great I know but rarely do I get a chance to play a 1 on 1 up there...Then to top it all off...the dreaded store rules...Ok I honestly have no issue with Store Rules if they are fun...but they go to the extreme...a basic example is this


If there is a crater on the field...I am on the other side of it...farthest point away from you but still on the lip of the crater...but not in the crater...would I not get a cover save anyway...lets say 1 or 2 guys are in the crater...but for the most part I am on the other side of said crater...

Would I not get the cover save from that...I say yes as the lip is sitting right there covering me...most would agree...I mean sure if I am on your side of the crater right there point blank why would I...but other side...yes of course I would...Catch 2 store says this about craters...

"While they may be showing raised on the table itself one must think that since it is a crater it is in the table itself and thus you must be inside the said crater to get said cover save..."

ok last time I checked...even used old war photos...craters went up into the air...just like a crater would in the 40k game itself...what the heck people...really...

While the first store we are much more laid back...yes a few play to win and win alone...but in all honesty we are there for fun and games...a few jokes some all about the books...TO THE EXTREME...MUHAHAHAHAHA type stuff...dont get me wrong rules are great...but jesus man I am a 1/4 from range with rapid fire and I just gave it to you a second ago when you shot at my guys...what do you mean I am still short...fine whatever...say Hi to mr assault cannon...

They have 3 people up there that will move something with their rulers too...yeah that dread is in range of the melta rule of is I did not just pull him 1/2 forward to make sure he was in range...

Or my favorite...hide in a fortifyed building with two windows...ok both windows have a heavy weapon guy in it...sure shoot with issues here...wait what do you mean I am in rapid fire range of the 4 other bolter marines up is a window...1 guy...I just did that a few seconds ago from my own building...wait my building is a ruins did that never shot at it...what do you mean it has been from the begining...wait all of them have been...then how come you get a 3+ cover save...oohhhh... techmarine rule...gotcha...well the only techmarine on your field is my guy and I sure as hell did not do it...

gawd I hate when they change it from a building to a ruin...that one really pisses me off...

Store 2...kinda kills the fun for me...if I am looking for a giant game sure I will head that way...but I wont be expecting much...

Monday, November 9, 2009

Had some free time...

I might be joining a campaign later about 12 hours time...ha ha silly sleep...

Come to find out it is a 2k army list...and I don't normally get past 1500 points in any game unless it is purely for shits and giggles...where upon I just throw in some tester units like my Thunderfire Cannon...which I really do love now...haha...Or even my two Land Speeders I have...nice little unit there...AV10 on both don't help though...ha ha

But none the less I am all for it...even if I don't win...Which I will I play for fun...if I win...heck yeah...if not...darn I learned something new though...but the people I am going to go up against in this campaign of sorts from what I hear are Tourney people...I am going to get placed no one has ever entered before...cause well it is exit only...ha ha

But seeing that I am going out with a bang I thought it should be a big bang...and I choose to do a 2k Space Wolf Army...

As follows...

Rune Priest w/JoWW, Fury of the Wolf Spirits, Runic Armour, Wolf tooth Necklace

Rune Priest w/JoWW, Living Lightning, Master of the Runes, Terminator Armour, Wolf tooth Necklace, Wolf Tail Talisman,

Optional Wolf Lord w/Terminator Armour, Wolf Claw, Wolf tooth Necklace, Saga of the Beastslayer - For Nids and Nurgle armies

Wolf Guard Pack w/x10 Men,
x8 in Terminator Armour, x2 Sets of Wolf Claws, TH/SS, x2 Frost Weapons, Cyclone Missile Launcher, x1 Power Fist, x1 Power fist and Heavy Flamer
x2 in Power Armour, x1 Frost Blade, x1 Power Weapon

Lone Wolf w/Terminator Armour, TH/SS, x2 Fenrisian Wolves

Fast Attack:
Thunderwolf Cavalry w/x3, Mark of Wulfen, Power Weapon, Frost Blade

Heavy Support:
Long Fangs w/x6, x2 Heavy Bolters, x2 Multi-Meltas, x1 Lascannon

Predator Tank w/Side Sponsor Heavy Bolters

Grey Hunter Pack w/x9, Flamer, Power Fist, Wolf Standard

Grey Hunter Pack w/x10, x2 Meltagun, Power Weapon

Grey Hunter Pack w/x9, Flamer, Power Weapon

Blood Claw Pack w/x11, Melta, Power fist


With literally everything on this list I think it comes out to 2165 points...IE the Wolf Lord up there...haha...drop him to make it an even 2k list...

The Wolf Guard will Split up a bit...
The Blood Claws get the Rune Priest with Living Lightning for Guidance...
The Wold Guard w/Cyclone Missile Launcher will go with the Long Fangs after they park their Razorback...
The 2 Wolf Guard in Power armour will attach to the 9 man squads of Grey Hunters
The Wolf Guard w/Power Fist, Heavy Flamer will run with the 10 man squad of Grey Hunters for just pure killing power...
The 6 Wolf Guard Left will run with the Rune Priest in Terminator Armour for a heavy hitting unit...or split into two 3 man squads if the Wolf Lord is in Game...but more then likely the Wolf Lord and Rune Priest will swap out as needed per army I will be facing...

The Lone Wolf will run around and kill stuff and pretty much just be a mini-tar pit as needed...the wolves gives him an extra 2 wounds on top of him and his Feel no pain and Eternal Warrior...which is just sick for 20 points base cost...but mine runs at 105 for all his goodies...if I wanted a bit cheaper I would swap out for a set of Wolf Claws...just wish I could give him a Wolf tooth Necklace...ha ha I would have 3 of these guys running around and no other elite choices...haha...but I am getting off base here...

Long Fangs will probably sit back on the edge and take pot shots with their Heavy Weapons...worse case I might be as far forward as possible...probably in some cover of some sort

Predator Tank will be close by and with that set up be able to pick three different targets...or worse case focus fire on one main target...

The Thunderwolf Cavalry are there for their 12" assault range of DOOOOM...haha...2 power weapons and an insane wulfen should do some damage on the charge...6 Power Weapon hits on the charge, 6 Strenght 6 Power Weapon hits on the charge and D6+1 rending hits on the charge to top it all off...that should hurt something somewhere...ha ha

After this is all said and done this will be my first 2k list without even one Land Raider...or any Rhinos what-so-ever...

Mostly because I have a guy painting up my Crusader and 4 Rhinos in Soul Drinker colors...I need to pick those things up from has been 2 months...and that is kinda I painted up my Land Raider for my Iron Warriors in what...30-45 minutes...and it does not look half-bad...not going to win an award...but that is not what he was painted for...ha ha

If you guys see where I can fix this list I am more then willing to listen to any and all criticism...

Friday, November 6, 2009

Gawd...I Love Friday...


got a whole 1k army painted up...and I am priming up my Khorne Guys right now...might be able to get them done by sunday morning to add to my army...haha

Sooo until later...

Did you ever notice...

Did you ever notice that when you first get something you look around...and within a matter or weeks everyone else has one...

My first car was when I noticed this...I hit 15...and was driving my 86 Grand Am...being a year older then my was a grand ol time...but then I noticed other grand ams of the same design...what the heck...

Moving on with life...I got my first brand new car...04 Saturn Ion 1...I was estactic...then everyone else got one...haha...but that one was somewhat series of car...great gas milage...plenty of room everywhere in the on and so forth...heck while I was married I made my wife get one of those instead of a Honda...stupid hondas...(I was working at AutoZone at the time and saw enough Hondas at work...)

Newest Vechile is a 94 Jeep Cheerokee...4wd...inline 6 cyclinder...great jeep all everyone has a jeep...but I live in the mountains...soooo nothing new there...

But as a few know I am working on my own Chaos Army...Iron Warriors

and I have hit the 1k Mark with points alone...and as I worked on my painting...which I would say has improved greatly by the way...everyone is doing Iron Warriors now...son of a...

BUT...moving on...

I got a nice round army of DOOOM...and only one Vehicle...haha...and a Land Raider to boot as well...

Army List as follows...WITH PICTURES...haha

Chaos Lord w/Power Fist, Combi-Weapon (Warsmith Model)

Dreadnought w/Multi-Melta

Terminators w/x5 - 4 being Champions, x2 Power Fist, x2 Combi-Weapons, x1 Reaper Autocannon, x1 Chainfist

Chaos Marines w/x5 Marines - 1 being Champion w/Power Weapon, Flamer

Chaos Marines w/x9 Marines - 1 being Champion w/Power Fist

Heavy Support:
Land Raider of DOOOOM...haha

And yes those are Black Templar Doors...and yes I did cut them up a good little bit to desicrate them for the Chaos Gods...silly Loyalist...

Monday, November 2, 2009

AHHH....Finally Painted... my last post said finally got some stuff done...

I have two squads of Chaos Marines five men a has a flamer in it...and that squad gets the Aspiring Champion with the Power Fist

Squad two is the one with the Power Sword in it and a Combi-Weapon as well for the Champion...

Chaos Lord is the Basic Warsmith Model...but I guess he would have a Powerfist and Combi-Weapon to go with him

Come to find out I dont even break a 300 point mark with this army here...haha

I have a few more Chaos Marine models to paint up...but after that all that is left is the terminators...this army won't even break 750 I am thinking...but hey...there is always time to add to them...haha

Worse Soul Drinkers can take up a few spots and play the part as Chaos Marines as well...haha

Sorry about the flast was either a flash at 2am or a picture like the other 5 man squad dark to really tell...haha...also the Warsmith looks a heck of a lot better in person...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

500 pts of Iron Warriors

....ok barely and the 3 terminators are only glued together

BUT...none the less I have 2 squads of Chaos marines at 5 guys a piece...a power weapon in one and a powerfist in the other...

Chaos Lord (IE...Warsmith w/Powerfist (for servo arm) and combi-weapon)

3 Chaos Terminator Champions one with reaper autocannon...and two combi-weapons to boot...

Throw a rhino in there for transport and I got a nice little army...haha